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PLSQL Insert into with subquery and returning clause


I can't figure out the correct syntax for the following pseudo-sql:

INSERT INTO some_table            (column1,             column2)      SELECT col1_value,              col2_value         FROM other_table       WHERE ...          RETURNING id        INTO local_var;  

I would like to insert something with the values of a subquery. After inserting I need the new generated id.

Heres what oracle doc says:

Insert Statement

Returning Into

OK i think it is not possible only with the values clause... Is there an alternative?

like image 331
Stephan Schielke Avatar asked Mar 16 '11 12:03

Stephan Schielke

People also ask

What does insert query return in Oracle?

The INSERT statement adds one or more new rows of data to a database table. For a full description of the INSERT statement, see Oracle Database SQL Reference.

What does an insert query return?

An SQL INSERT statement writes new rows of data into a table. If the INSERT activity is successful, it returns the number of rows inserted into the table.

Can select be used with insert statement?

You can use a select-statement within an INSERT statement to insert zero, one, or more rows into a table from the result table of the select-statement. The select-statement embedded in the INSERT statement is no different from the select-statement you use to retrieve data.

How does insert into select work?

The INSERT INTO SELECT statement copies data from one table and inserts it into another table. The INSERT INTO SELECT statement requires that the data types in source and target tables match. Note: The existing records in the target table are unaffected.

2 Answers

Unfortunately that's not possible. RETURNING is only available for INSERT...VALUES statements. See this Oracle forum thread for a discussion of this subject.

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Tony Andrews Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09

Tony Andrews

You cannot use the RETURNING BULK COLLECT from an INSERT. This methodology can work with updates and deletes howeveer:

create table test2(aa number) / insert into test2(aa)       select level         from dual         connect by level<100 /          set serveroutput on declare       TYPE t_Numbers IS TABLE OF test2.aa%TYPE         INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;       v_Numbers t_Numbers;       v_count number; begin   update test2   set aa = aa+1 returning aa bulk collect into v_Numbers;      for v_count in 1..v_Numbers.count loop         dbms_output.put_line('v_Numbers := ' || v_Numbers(v_count));     end loop;  end; 

You can get it to work with a few extra steps (doing a FORALL INSERT utilizing TREAT) as described in this article:

returning with insert..select


to utilize the example they create and apply it to test2 test table

 CREATE or replace TYPE ot AS OBJECT     ( aa number); /   CREATE TYPE ntt AS TABLE OF ot; /  set serveroutput on  DECLARE         nt_passed_in ntt;        nt_to_return ntt;         FUNCTION pretend_parameter RETURN ntt IS           nt ntt;        BEGIN           SELECT ot(level) BULK COLLECT INTO nt          FROM   dual          CONNECT BY level <= 5;          RETURN nt;       END pretend_parameter;     BEGIN        nt_passed_in := pretend_parameter();        FORALL i IN 1 .. nt_passed_in.COUNT          INSERT INTO test2(aa)          VALUES          ( TREAT(nt_passed_in(i) AS ot).aa          )          RETURNING ot(aa)          BULK COLLECT INTO nt_to_return;        FOR i IN 1 .. nt_to_return.COUNT LOOP          DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(             'Sequence value = [' || TO_CHAR(nt_to_return(i).aa) || ']'             );       END LOOP;     END;    / 
like image 43
Harrison Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09
