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Functional queue type [duplicate]

I would like to represent a kind of queue data structure functionally, but I haven't really gotten anywhere. I've looked into Zippers but they don't seem to be the right structure.

Specifically, I'm trying to represent a series of delay lines (for audio effects like echo or reverb), so the functionality needed is as follows:

  1. Append data to the front
  2. Remove the last item (can just be thrown away)

For my particular use, these two operations would be used in conjunction as to keep the queue a constant size, but this constraint is not fundamental. I could just use a list, but I'm thinking there's got to be something cleaner than that. What is the best way to represent this type?

I'm using F#, but any language is welcome.

like image 661
Jwosty Avatar asked Jul 06 '16 17:07


People also ask

How do I prevent duplicates in queue?

When you create the queue, you enter a key field. That field should contain unique values, and you will not have a problem with duplicates.

Can queue have duplicates C#?

A Queue collection allows null (for reference types) and duplicate values.

Can queue have different data types?

Having different types in your data structure will make more difficult and error prone to use it. In this case is better to have some wrapper that will make all accesses to your work in the same way.

1 Answers

By functional I assume you mean an immutable queue?

If you use F# and .NET there are for example:

  • ImmutableQueue<>
  • FSharpX.Collections.Queue<>

If you like to read on how to implement a functional queue I recommend Purely Functional Data Structures by Chris Okasaki.

One of the first ways Okasaki implements a functional queue is using two List<>, one you pop from and one you push to. When the pop list is empty the push queue is reversed and becomes the pop list.

Bear in mind this is in many ways a rather inefficient queue but it's also rather simple:

type Queue<'T> = 'T list*'T list

let empty<'T> : Queue<'T> = [], []

let isEmpty ((f, r) : Queue<'T>) : bool =
  match f, r with
  | []    , []  -> true
  | _     , _   -> false

let headAndTail ((f, r) : Queue<'T>) : 'T*Queue<'T> =
  match f, r with
  | []    , []  -> failwith "Queue is empty"
  | v::vs , r   -> v, (vs, r)
  | _     , r   -> let v::vs = List.rev r in v, (vs, [])

let snoc ((f, r) : Queue<'T>) (v : 'T) : Queue<'T> = (f, v::r)

let fold (f : 'S -> 'T -> 'S) (s : 'S) (q : Queue<'T>) : 'S =
  let rec loop ss qq =
    if isEmpty qq then ss
      let hh, tt = headAndTail qq
      loop (f ss hh) tt
  loop s q

let ofArray (vs : 'T []) : Queue<'T> = vs |> Array.fold snoc empty

let main argv = 
  let q = [| 1..20 |] |> ofArray
  fold (fun _ v -> printfn "%A" v) () q
like image 159
Just another metaprogrammer Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09

Just another metaprogrammer