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Function to Remove the Decimal Places

What is the JavaScript Math.Floor() equivalent in VBA?. this function should remove all the decimal places and return only an integer.

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Sami Al-Subhi Avatar asked May 17 '12 08:05

Sami Al-Subhi

People also ask

Which function remove the decimal portion of the value?

The TRUNC function simply truncates (i.e. removes) decimal values if they exist – it doesn't do any rounding. The TRUNC function returns the integer portion of the number which is then subtracted from the original value.

How do I remove Decimals from Formula bar?

To remove Decimals in Excel Formula Bar Using Decrease Decimal Button, execute the following steps. 📌 Steps: Select the range of cells or the entire column. Go to the Home tab > the Number group > Decrease Decimal button.

How do I get Excel to only show 2 decimal places?

Right click the selected cells, and select the Format Cells from the right-clicking menu. 3. In the coming Format Cells dialog box, go to the Number tab, click to highlight the Number in the Category box, and then type a number in the Decimal Places box.

3 Answers

Of what i remember use the Int() function. ex

int(2.99) = 2 ; int(2.1)=2 

and so on.

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Albi Patozi Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 05:09

Albi Patozi

be careful that CInt() actually rounds the number, but Int() doesn't.

CInt(1.6) ~~ 2
Int(1.6) ~~ 1
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user3849288 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 05:09


It's Round()

Sub Sample()
    Dim dval As Double
    dval = 1.12345

    Debug.Print Round(dval, 0)
End Sub

0 above specifies the number of decimals you want.


Albi Patozi is right. The equivalent of Math.Floor() is int(). I was under the impression that you just wanted to return a number without the decimals. But then I looked up http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_floor.asp

The floor() method rounds a number DOWNWARDS to the nearest integer, and returns the result.

'~~> JavaScript floor() Method
'var a=Math.floor(0.60);    ~~> 0
'var b=Math.floor(0.40);    ~~> 0
'var c=Math.floor(5);       ~~> 5
'var d=Math.floor(5.1);     ~~> 5
'var e=Math.floor(-5.1);    ~~> -6
'var f=Math.floor(-5.9);    ~~> -6

Sub Sample()
    Dim dval(5) As Double, i As Long

    dval(0) = 0.6: dval(1) = 0.4: dval(2) = 5
    dval(3) = 5.1: dval(4) = -5.1: dval(5) = -5.9

    For i = LBound(dval) To UBound(dval)
        Debug.Print Round(dval(i), 0); " ~~ "; Int(dval(i))
End Sub


ROUND() ~~ INT()

1 ~~ 0

0 ~~ 0

5 ~~ 5

5 ~~ 5

-5 ~~ -6

-6 ~~ -6

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Siddharth Rout Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

Siddharth Rout