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Can I turn off inline syntax checking in the Office 2003 VBA editor?



As anybody who uses VBA in Office 2003 will know, it has the extremely frustrating tendency to do a syntax check every time you click off a line.

For example, if I start writing a line of code, I might go

For Each application In

And then think "crap, what's the application collection called?" So I'll hit "page up" to find it, and get (in this case) a "Compile Error".

Can I turn this off?

like image 730
ChristianLinnell Avatar asked May 05 '10 04:05


1 Answers


Goto Tools-> Options and turn off 'Auto Syntax check'. While you're there, turn on 'Require variable declaration':

alt text http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/a9f473f5d0.jpg

like image 78
Mitch Wheat Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09

Mitch Wheat