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Function of function always returns 0-R

I am having a problem writing a function of a function in r. Specifically, I want to calculate the odds of a dice roll in Yahtzee, and when I use explicit parameters, I get a numeric value:

large_straight <- function(){
  rolls <- sample(6, size = 5, replace = TRUE)
  if(all(Numbers %in% c(rolls))) {
  } else if (all(Numbers2 %in% c(rolls))) {
  } else 0

sum(replicate(1000, large_straight()))/1000

returns a non-zero value,

but when I try to generalize, so that I can pass not just large straights but also other dice rolls:

my_roll_odds <- function(Size, FUN){
  sum(replicate(Size, FUN))/Size

my_roll_odds(1000, large_straight())

I always get a return value of 0, and I have zero idea why. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

like image 771
Ryan Kmet Avatar asked Mar 08 '20 01:03

Ryan Kmet

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1 Answers

I think the function could not be evaluated correctly because of the nested calls. Here is a way with match.fun

my_roll_odds <- function(Size, FUN){
    sum(replicate(Size, match.fun(FUN)()))/Size

my_roll_odds(1000, large_straight)
#[1] 0.029

my_roll_odds(1000, large_straight)
#[1] 0.037
like image 141
Ronak Shah Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10

Ronak Shah