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Function dealing with finite but arbitrary number of heterogenous elements

I am working on a library to study game theoretic learning. In this setting, N agents are brought together and interact with an environment. Each agent derives a model of the interaction. The model of one agent depends on its N-1 opponents. I wrote the code determining that model for 1 agent and 2 agents, and am trying to generalize it. Here is part of the code I have:

data System w x a s h h' = System { signaling :: SignalingWXAS w x a s
                                  , dynamic   :: DynamicXAS x a s
                                  , strategy  :: MockupStrategy x a s h h' }

data JointState w x a s h h' = JointState { worldState  :: w
                                          , state       :: x
                                          , mockupState :: MockupState a s h h' }

systemToMockup :: ( Bounded w, Ix w, Bounded x, Ix x
                  , Bounded a, Ix a, Bounded s, Ix s
                  , Bounded (h a), Ix (h a), Bounded (h' s), Ix (h' s)
                  , History h, History h'
                  ) => System w x a s h h' -> Mockup a s h h'
systemToMockup syst = mock
      mock z   = norm $ statDist >>=? condit z >>= computeStatesAndAction >>= sig >>=$ extractSignal
      statDist = ergodicStationary $ transition syst
      condit z = just z . mockupState
      sig      = uncurryN $ signaling syst
      strat    = strategy syst
      computeStatesAndAction joint = do
        let w = worldState joint
        let x = state joint
        a <- strat x (mockupState joint)
        return (w, x, a)
      extractSignal (_, s) = s


data System2 w x1 a1 s1 h1 h1' x2 a2 s2 h2 h2' = System2 { signaling :: SignalingWXAS2 w x1 a1 s1 x2 a2 s2
                                                         , dynamic1  :: DynamicXAS x1 a1 s1
                                                         , dynamic2  :: DynamicXAS x2 a2 s2
                                                         , strategy1 :: MockupStrategy x1 a1 s1 h1 h1'
                                                         , strategy2 :: MockupStrategy x2 a2 s2 h2 h2' }

data JointState2 w x1 a1 s1 h1 h1' x2 a2 s2 h2 h2' = JointState2 { worldState   :: w
                                                                 , state1       :: x1
                                                                 , mockupState1 :: MockupState a1 s1 h1 h1'
                                                                 , state2       :: x2
                                                                 , mockupState2 :: MockupState a2 s2 h2 h2' }
systemToMockups2 syst = (mock1, mock2)
      mock1 z1   = norm $ statDist >>=? condit1 z1 >>= computeStatesAndActions >>= sig >>=$ extractSignal1
      mock2 z2   = norm $ statDist >>=? condit2 z2 >>= computeStatesAndActions >>= sig >>=$ extractSignal2
      statDist   = ergodicStationary $ transition2 syst
      condit1 z1 = just z1 . mockupState1
      condit2 z2 = just z2 . mockupState2
      sig        = uncurryN $ signaling syst
      strat1     = strategy1 syst
      strat2     = strategy2 syst
      computeStatesAndActions joint = do
        let w  = worldState joint
        let x1 = state1 joint
        let x2 = state2 joint
        a1 <- strat1 x1 (mockupState1 joint)
        a2 <- strat2 x2 (mockupState2 joint)
        return (w, x1, a1, x2, a2)
      extractSignal1 (_, s, _) = s
      extractSignal2 (_, _, s) = s

I am after a function definition for systemToMockupN that could accommodate any finite number of agents.

Agents are heterogenous so use of lists is not directly possible. I cannot use tuples because I do not know the size in advance. I tried using curryN, uncurryN, etc. but did not manage to do one operation on every element of a tuple. I tried building a variadic function in a fashion similar to printf with no success.

I know I could use template haskell but I am wondering if there is a nicer solution I am overlooking. Any pointer to some code out there dealing with a finite but arbitrary number of heterogenous elements would be greatly appreciated.

like image 655
Nicolas Dudebout Avatar asked Feb 19 '23 02:02

Nicolas Dudebout

1 Answers

Heterogenous. I don't think you should do this, but you did ask.

You can use en existing library for heterogenous lists, eg HList. This secretly uses Template Haskell anyway, but you don't need to get your hands as dirty as if you did it yourself.

Languages with dynamic typing have all sorts of problems because of the need for casting etc. HList is type-safe, but it's still not easy in my view to write code that works well and isn't buggy. You get an edge over tuples because you don't need to change type, and mapping your updates across elements should be easier, but it's still not pretty.

like image 76
AndrewC Avatar answered May 10 '23 20:05
