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Fun with repeated fmap

I was playing around with functors, and I noticed something interesting:

Trivially, id can be instantiated at the type (a -> b) -> a -> b.

With the list functor we have fmap :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b], which is the same as map.

In the case of the ((->) r) functor (from Control.Monad.Instances), fmap is function composition, so we can instantiate fmap fmap fmap :: (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]], which is equivalent to (map . map).

Interestingly, fmap eight times gives us (map . map . map)!

So we have

0: id = id 1: fmap = map 3: fmap fmap fmap = (map . map) 8: fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap fmap = (map . map . map) 

Does this pattern continue? Why/why not? Is there a formula for how many fmaps I need to map a function over an n-times nested list?

I tried writing a test script to search for a solution to the n = 4 case, but GHC starts eating too much memory at around 40 fmaps.

like image 714
hammar Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 02:01


1 Answers

I can't explain why, but here's the proof of the cycle:

Assume k >= 2 and fmap^(4k) :: (a -> b) -> F1 F2 F3 a -> F1 F2 F3 b, where Fx stands for an unknown/arbitrary Functor. fmap^n stands for fmap applied to n-1 fmaps, not n-fold iteration. The induction's start can be verified by hand or querying ghci.

fmap^(4k+1) = fmap^(4k) fmap fmap :: (x -> y) -> F4 x -> F4 y 

unification with a -> b yields a = x -> y, b = F4 x -> F4 y, so

fmap^(4k+1) :: F1 F2 F3 (x -> y) -> F1 F2 F3 (F4 x -> F4 y) 

Now, for fmap^(4k+2) we must unify F1 F2 F3 (x -> y) with (a -> b) -> F5 a -> F5 b.
Thus F1 = (->) (a -> b) and F2 F3 (x -> y) must be unified with F5 a -> F5 b.
Hence F2 = (->) (F5 a) and F3 (x -> y) = F5 b, i.e. F5 = F3 and b = x -> y. The result is

fmap^(4k+2) :: F1 F2 F3 (F4 x -> F4 y)              = (a -> (x -> y)) -> F3 a -> F3 (F4 x -> F4 y) 

For fmap^(4k+3), we must unify a -> (x -> y) with (m -> n) -> F6 m -> F6 n), giving a = m -> n,
x = F6 m and y = F6 n, so

fmap^(4k+3) :: F3 a -> F3 (F4 x -> F4 y)              = F3 (m -> n) -> F3 (F4 F6 m -> F4 F6 n) 

Finally, we must unify F3 (m -> n) with (a -> b) -> F7 a -> F7 b, so F3 = (->) (a -> b), m = F7 a and n = F7 b, therefore

fmap^(4k+4) :: F3 (F4 F6 m -> F4 F6 n)              = (a -> b) -> (F4 F6 F7 a -> F4 F6 F7 b) 

and the cycle is complete. Of course the result follows from querying ghci, but maybe the derivation sheds some light on how it works.

like image 163
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Daniel Fischer