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Fully removing Resharper Ultimate from Visual Studio 2013

I was running Visual Studio 2013 with Resharper 8, and everything was fine and dandy untill I tried to install Jetbrain's Dottrace trial version. It brought with it something called Resharper Ultimate, which in turn made sure none of my Intellisense or Resharper features worked.

So I uninstalled Resharper Ultimate using the Windows uninstall feature. But Visual Studio seems to still consider it installed, because its options appears in the program's preferences dialog. Not to mention the top menu choice.

I have also tried installing Resharper 8 anew, in hopes that it will cleanse my machine of Ultimate, but it detects no previous installs. So now, I'm getting options dialogs for both Resharper and Resharper Ultimate. And none of the features work.

Plus I'm getting this error message when opening a solution with Resharper active:

enter image description here

I have looked at the mentioned XML file, but am not sure of what to make of it.

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Christofer Ohlsson Avatar asked May 05 '15 07:05

Christofer Ohlsson

People also ask

How do I completely remove ReSharper?

Control Panel can be found at Start | Windows System | Control Panel; Click uninstall for the ReSharper Ultimate record; Windows will notify you that there is no uninstaller and will suggest removing the record.

How do I uninstall and reinstall ReSharper?

After uninstalling Resharper from Control Panel, you might still see it in your visual studio. Click on the Resharper 4.5 installer (exe file) and instead of "Install", select "Remove". It works just like how the Visual Studio installer works, same exe file is used to install/uninstall the software.

What is ReSharper ultimate?

Follow. ReSharper Ultimate was a license that combined all the individual JetBrains . NET tools, as well as ReSharper C++. Each ReSharper Ultimate license allowed a single developer to use ReSharper, ReSharper C++, dotCover, dotTrace, and dotMemory.

1 Answers

The solution from ReSharper Support Site:

To completely remove new .NET tools from Visual Studio, please try the following:

Run ReSharper 9.x (new .NET Tools) installer once again - do you have any products with status Repair? If so, please select Remove for them and select Skip for others. If there are no items with Repair action, please remove the following folder manually C:\Users{User Name}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio{Visual Studio version}\Extensions\JetBrains

like image 101
Alexander Kurakin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 11:09

Alexander Kurakin