The following C or C++ code should have as output "11,11,11," however using Visual Studio Professional 2013 (Version 12.0.40629.00 Update 5) the output is "11,0,0,"! This only occurs in a release build, and disappears when optimization is turned off. Is this a compiler bug?
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int A[100] = { 0 };
int row = 0; // BUG disappears if we make this const or short or char...
int ncols = 3; // BUG disappears if we make this const or short or char...
for (int y = row; y <= row; ++y)
for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x)
const int index = y * ncols + x;
//A[index] = 11; // (no bug !)
*(A + index) = 11; // BUG!!!
//*(A + y*ncols+x) = 11; // (no bug !)
//*(A + (y*ncols+x)) = 11; // BUG!!!
for (int x = 0; x < ncols; ++x)
printf("%d,", A[x]);
return 0;
Yes, it appears to be a compiler bug. In Win32 version of the code the compiler uses register esi
to represent y
and register edx
to represent x
. As @Ajay Brahmakshatriya correctly noted in the comments, it appears that the compiler performed an attempt to exchange the cycles (swap the outer with the inner), but ended up with incorrect code. The very last conditional jump instruction, which is supposed to represent the [exchanged] inner cycle, for some reason transfers control to a location that checks esi
as well. That check ends iterations prematurely.
0018206B xor esi,esi ; This is `y`
0018206D xor edx,edx ; This is `x`
00182070 test esi,esi
00182072 jg main+5Ch (018209Ch) ; Exit from the outer cycle?
00182074 lea eax,[edx+esi*2] ; Recalculate the starting storage location
00182077 add eax,esi ; for the next cycle:
00182079 lea ecx,[A] ; eax = esi * 3 + edx
0018207F lea eax,[ecx+eax*4] ; eax = &A[eax]
00182082 mov ecx,1 ; It is not exactly clear to me what this is
00182087 sub ecx,esi ; supposed to do, but when `esi` is `0`, it
00182089 add esi,ecx ; leaves `ecx` as 1, which is correct
; number of iterations for outer cycle
00182090 mov dword ptr [eax],0Bh ; Storing the value
00182096 lea eax,[eax+0Ch] ; Updating the pointer for the next storage location
00182099 dec ecx
0018209A jne main+50h (0182090h) ; Outer cycle [exchanged]
0018209C inc edx
0018209D cmp edx,3
001820A0 jl main+30h (0182070h) ; Inner cycle [exchanged]: for some reason it
; jumps to `test esi,esi`, which is what
; suddenly terminates the iterations
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