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FSharp.Core cannot be found in Xamarin Studio

I have a basic f# project created with Xamarin Studio but it claims it cannot find FSharp.Core.

build error

However the F# REPL with the IDE works fine so I am assuming that I have f# under mono installed.

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bradgonesurfing Avatar asked Feb 27 '13 13:02


2 Answers

According to Don Syme via twitter, this error is just cosmetic and the project should build anyway. There is also a bug tracking this


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bradgonesurfing Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10


Take a look at this:


I think you need to build the variant FSharp.Core to make this work.

EDIT: FWIW, I just tried Xamarin Studio with F# on Win7 and this works just fine. I can tell by the screenshot that you're working with Mac OS X so whatever the issue is, it seems to be specific to that OS. It may be worth your while to contact Xamarin and see if they've got any ideas.

By the way, for sake of insuring you can test the same thing on Mac OS X, I just created an F# Console App, built it and ran it without any modification. Hope that might help.

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Onorio Catenacci Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10

Onorio Catenacci