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From simple R program to executable file with nice GUI? [closed]

I have a friend who asked me to implement something for him. Let's make a simple example: I have four values I enter: Value1 up to Value4. With these values my R program does fancy calculations and gives a nice result.

No let's say I do not want to bother my friend with (from his point of view) complicated r script and entering the values there. So I want to program a simple input gui and then make it an executable file. Now I have two questions:

How can I create such an input gui?

How can I get an executable file out of this?

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Jen Bohold Avatar asked Dec 21 '13 18:12

Jen Bohold

1 Answers

You're only supposed to ask one question per post here, and you've asked two.

Here's the answers.

  1. You can create a simple input GUI with the tcltk package. A slightly more interesting one with the rpanel package. A prettier one with the RGtk2 package.

  2. No. Its hard to get an executable file out of anything that includes a GUI, an interpreted language, and a library of functions written in that language. The most reliable way is to zip the entire R installation and your program code into a zipped up, self-extracting executable that unzips itself and runs. Every time you run it.

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Spacedman Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10
