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Fresh react-native ios app not building?

Below is the details about my environment and logs of the build failure. Anyone facing similar issue or know steps to overcome this please do point me out to relevant steps or docs.

  • Xcode: 7.2.1
  • Node: v5.9.0
  • npm: 3.7.3
  • react-native-cli: 0.1.10
  • react-native: 0.22.2

Running "sudo react-native run-ios" leaves me with the below logs.



The following build commands failed:
    PhaseScriptExecution Run\ Script /Users/abc/Desktop/REACT-NATIVE/demo/ios/build/Build/Intermediates/React.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/React.build/Script-006B79A01A781F38006873D1.sh
(1 failure)
Installing build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/demo.app
No devices are booted.
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist
      throw err;

Error: Command failed: /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c Print:CFBundleIdentifier build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/demo.app/Info.plist
Print: Entry, ":CFBundleIdentifier", Does Not Exist

    at checkExecSyncError (child_process.js:469:13)
    at Object.execFileSync (child_process.js:489:13)
    at _runIOS (runIOS.js:83:34)
    at runIOS.js:24:5
    at tryCallTwo (/Users/abc/Desktop/REACT-NATIVE/demo/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:45:5)
    at doResolve (/Users/abc/Desktop/REACT-NATIVE/demo/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:200:13)
    at new Promise (/Users/abc/Desktop/REACT-NATIVE/demo/node_modules/promise/lib/core.js:66:3)
    at Array.runIOS (runIOS.js:23:10)
    at Object.run (/Users/abc/Desktop/REACT-NATIVE/demo/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js:86:13)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/react-native-cli/index.js:73:7)
like image 261
Bala Avatar asked Mar 24 '16 14:03


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If you are already familiar with mobile development, you may want to use React Native CLI. It requires Xcode or Android Studio to get started. If you already have one of these tools installed, you should be able to get up and running within a few minutes.

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2 Answers

do not run:

sudo react-native run-ios

you should run:

react-native run-ios

your root account does not have Simulator configured properly to run the iOS so you see "No devices are booted" error in your log!

like image 52
Allen Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09


I have similar issue on OS X El Capitan v10.11.4

node --version v6.0.0
npm --v 3.8.8
react-native-cli: 0.2.0
react-native: 0.24.1
watchman --v 4.4.0
xcode 7.3

I have created an issue on react-native github.

I was able to resolve my issue:

For me port 8081 was in use :

lsof -n -i4TCP:8081

node 7601 arun 23u IPv6 0xc6b249599e5f1169 0t0 TCP *:sunproxyadmin (LISTEN)

So I followed the instructions from React Native Troubleshooting and killed the pid

kill -9 7601

and ran the command react-native run-ios again and everything worked as expected (on node 6 as well).

like image 34
Arun Gopalpuri Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09

Arun Gopalpuri