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frequency trail in matplotlib

I'm looking into outliers detection. Brendan Gregg has a really nice article and I'm especially intrigued by his visualizations. One of the methods he uses are frequency trails.

frequency trails

I'm trying to reproduce this in matplotlib using this example. Which looks like this:


And the plot is based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/4152016/948369

Now my issue is, like described by Brendan, that I have a continuous line that masks the outlier (I simplified the input values so you can still see them):

masked outlier

Any help on making the line "non-continuous" for non existent values?

like image 267
Glaslos Avatar asked Jul 12 '13 12:07


1 Answers

Seaborn also provides a very neat example:

Seaborn KDE joyplot

They call it a joy/ridge plot however: https://seaborn.pydata.org/examples/kde_ridgeplot.html

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
sns.set(style="white", rc={"axes.facecolor": (0, 0, 0, 0)})

# Create the data
rs = np.random.RandomState(1979)
x = rs.randn(500)
g = np.tile(list("ABCDEFGHIJ"), 50)
df = pd.DataFrame(dict(x=x, g=g))
m = df.g.map(ord)
df["x"] += m

# Initialize the FacetGrid object
pal = sns.cubehelix_palette(10, rot=-.25, light=.7)
g = sns.FacetGrid(df, row="g", hue="g", aspect=15, size=.5, palette=pal)

# Draw the densities in a few steps
g.map(sns.kdeplot, "x", clip_on=False, shade=True, alpha=1, lw=1.5, bw=.2)
g.map(sns.kdeplot, "x", clip_on=False, color="w", lw=2, bw=.2)
g.map(plt.axhline, y=0, lw=2, clip_on=False)

# Define and use a simple function to label the plot in axes coordinates
def label(x, color, label):
    ax = plt.gca()
    ax.text(0, .2, label, fontweight="bold", color=color, 
            ha="left", va="center", transform=ax.transAxes)

g.map(label, "x")

# Set the subplots to overlap

# Remove axes details that don't play will with overlap
g.despine(bottom=True, left=True)
like image 105
Lucas van Dijk Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 19:09

Lucas van Dijk