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Free UI templates that works with asp.net MVC and razor view [closed]

I want to find an enterprise UI template which I can use inside my asp.net mvc 4 web applications. Some of the known templates will work well web forms , but I need templates that work with asp.net mvc . BR

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john Gu Avatar asked Jun 20 '13 11:06

john Gu

People also ask

Can you mix MVC and Razor pages?

You can add support for Pages to any ASP.NET Core MVC app by simply adding a Pages folder and adding Razor Pages files to this folder. Razor Pages use the folder structure as a convention for routing requests.

Which is better Razor pages or MVC?

From the docs, "Razor Pages can make coding page-focused scenarios easier and more productive than using controllers and views." If your ASP.NET MVC app makes heavy use of views, you may want to consider migrating from actions and views to Razor Pages.

Does ASP.NET MVC use Razor?

Razor is one of the view engines supported in ASP.NET MVC. Razor allows you to write a mix of HTML and server-side code using C# or Visual Basic. Razor view with visual basic syntax has .

In what kind of scenario we can apply Razor pages and MVC?

You can choose to launch a decent size app using Razor Pages for front end and apply MVC controllers for API of client-side components. MVC is good for web apps with lots of dynamic server views, REST APIs, and AJAX calls. To build a complex view in Razor Pages you can bind multiple view models.

1 Answers

I would recommend spending $14-18 on a good template from sites like themeforest, DMartify Or wrapbootstrap

They have lots of templates that can be used independently of the server-side technology (php, asp.net, RoR, Django, etc.)

If you cannot spend the money on a template, then checkout the free templates at Bootswatch which has some basic (but useful) baseline color theme modifications. Or you can also find Free Admin Template Download, Simply use BootStrap, Foundation or Semantic UI frameworks to make you own.

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amhed Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 13:09
