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Fragments behaviour: FragmentTransaction::replace() and reverse backStack operation

I call this method to go forward from AFrag to BFrag:

    FragmentTransaction fragmentTransaction = mFragmentMgr.beginTransaction();

    // Add fragment to the container ContentView 
    fragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.operation_fragments_frame, mBFrag, mBFrag.getTag());

    // Add FADE effect

    // Keep the transaction in the back stack so it will be reversed when backbutton is pressed

    // Commit transaction

It shows a new fragment (BFrag), replace the previous one (AFrag) and keep info about the transaction, so it can be reversed/undone automatically on back button pressed.

When back button is pressed everything looks fine, the previous fragment is shown (AFrag). But when I go forward again (AFrag -> BFrag) I got a "Fragment already added exception".

Didn't the reverse/undone operation remove the new fragment (BFrag)? Is this the expected behaviour?

That's weird because after this, I decided to set a check:

   fragmentTransaction.replace(R.id.operation_fragments_frame, mBFrag, mBFrag.getTag());

and stills, it gets into the else statement... and I get the exception.

Any insight on what am I doing wrong, please?


like image 733
Axel M. Garcia Avatar asked Oct 11 '22 20:10

Axel M. Garcia

1 Answers

have you tried to use an other method, like remove(), then do an add(). or anything similar? I saw on some other post that the replace() method does not always behave correctly.

like image 168
Christ Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 09:10
