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FOSUserBundle login with email with service Provider, best practice

I was looking to create a service provider in order to logIn with Email and not username with FOSUserBundle.

First I wrote this in my security.yml file according to the doc here:

            id: fos_user.user_provider.username_email

According to the FOS doc, I follow these steps one by one.

Except in MyUserManager.php I wrote this (according to another question on stack here):

namespace Frontend\UserBundle\Model;

use FOS\UserBundle\Entity\UserManager;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Exception\UsernameNotFoundException;

class CustomUserManager extends UserManager
    public function loadUserByUsername($email)
        /*$user = $this->findUserByUsernameOrEmail($username);

        if (!$user) {
            throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('No user with name "%s" was found.', $username));

        return $user;*/

        //Change it to only email (Default calls loadUserByUsername -> we send it to our own loadUserByEmail)
        return $this->loadUserByEmail($email);

    public function loadUserByEmail($email)
        $user = $this->findUserByEmail($email);

        if (!$user) {
            throw new UsernameNotFoundException(sprintf('No user with email "%s" was found.', $email));

        return $user;


and of course I changed the User class in order to implement specific getter and setter like this:

namespace Acme\UserBundle\Entity;

use FOS\UserBundle\Entity\User as BaseUser;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;

 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\UserBundle\Entity\UserRepository")
 * @ORM\Table(name="users")
class User extends BaseUser

    // ...

    // override methods for username and tie them with email field

     * Sets the email.
     * @param string $email
     * @return User
    public function setEmail($email)

        return parent::setEmail($email);

     * Set the canonical email.
     * @param string $emailCanonical
     * @return User
    public function setEmailCanonical($emailCanonical)

        return parent::setEmailCanonical($emailCanonical);

    // ...


But I owerride the FOSUser template form in app\Resources\FOSUserBundle\views\Security\login.html.twig like this:

{% block fos_user_content %}
  <form action="{{ path("fos_user_security_check") }}" method="post">

    <input type="hidden" name="_csrf_token" value="{{ csrf_token }}"/>

    <label class="" for="username">E-mail</label>
    <input type="email" class="" id="username" name="_username" required="required"/>

    <label class="" for="password">{{ 'security.login.password'|trans }}</label>
    <input class="" type="password" id="password" name="_password" required="required"/>

    <label class="" for="remember_me">
      <input type="checkbox" id="remember_me" name="_remember_me" class="">
      <span class="">{{ 'security.login.remember_me'|trans }}</span>

    <button class="" type="submit" id="_submit" name="_submit" value="{{ 'security.login.submit'|trans }}">
{% endblock fos_user_content %}

It is the good way to only allow user Loged In with email field and not the username?

like image 762
french_dev Avatar asked Sep 26 '22 12:09


1 Answers

Your approach resumes perfectly all mandatory changes for setup an email-password authentication on FOSUserBundle.

For now, I used only the same configuration in entity and security config (not need of the template because my login is done in AJAX). The only doubt I have is the following :

As the username is always set using the email field value, is it useful to create your CustomUserManager ?
The loadByUsername will works if the username is always equal to the email, as done by your entity in setEmail and setEmailCanonical.

Is it just an additional security ?


Change from username to email can involves to change some comportment in form building/validation.

Maybe you have to look at this answer : https://stackoverflow.com/a/21064627/4363634

like image 124
chalasr Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
