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Forward data from one controller action to other in Yii2




Is it possible to forward data from one controller action to other before the render? Basically, I want to now if we have something that Zend _forward does?

Here is my scenario. I have a payment gateway that returns data back to my controller action, what I want is to handle data on separate controller/action but render the home page (without redirection). Is it possible to forward control from one controller/action to other ?

Can anybody suggest me can I go for ?

like image 893
alwaysLearn Avatar asked Jan 31 '15 13:01


1 Answers

In Yii 2, you can use this which yields the same result of forward():

Yii::$app->runAction('new_controller/new_action', ['param1'=>'value1', 'param2'=>'value2']);
like image 143
Mahesh Avatar answered Oct 31 '22 10:10
