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format interval with to_char

Following SQL command

select TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))) from table1

produces a result of the format: +000000000 00:03:01.954000.

Is it possible to enter a special format in the to_char function in order to get a result of format: +00 00:00:00.000?

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Georg Leber Avatar asked Jun 09 '09 14:06

Georg Leber

People also ask

What is use of TO_CHAR in SQL?

TO_CHAR(expression,format) converts a date, time, timestamp (date and time), or number expression to a character string according to the specified format string.

What does TO_CHAR function do in Oracle?

TO_CHAR (datetime) converts a datetime or interval value of DATE , TIMESTAMP , TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE , or TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE datatype to a value of VARCHAR2 datatype in the format specified by the date format fmt .

What is difference between TO_CHAR and TO_DATE?

To_char formats a DATE into a string using the given format mask. To_date converts a STRING into a date using the format mask.

What can we use instead of TO_CHAR in SQL?

SQL Server has separate functions for YEAR() , MONTH() , and DAY() . Oracle uses TO_CHAR() ; SQL Server uses CONVERT() . One option is to define the functions YEAR() , MONTH() , and DAY() in Oracle and then use string concatenation (via the CONCAT() ) function to combine the data.

5 Answers

you could cast the result if you want less precision:

SQL> SELECT TO_DSINTERVAL('10 10:00:00') t_interval FROM dual;

+000000010 10:00:00.000000000

  2                 AS INTERVAL DAY(2) TO SECOND(3)) t_interval
  3    FROM dual;

+10 10:00:00.000

Edit following OP comment:

From The Oracle Documentation (11gr1):

Interval datatypes do not have format models. Therefore, to adjust their presentation, you must combine character functions such as EXTRACT and concatenate the components.

It seems you will have to manually use EXTRACT to achieve the desired output:

SQL> SELECT to_char(extract(DAY FROM t_interval), 'fmS99999') || ' ' ||
  2         to_char(extract(HOUR FROM t_interval), 'fm00') || ':' ||
  3         to_char(extract(MINUTE FROM t_interval), 'fm00') || ':' ||
  4         to_char(extract(SECOND FROM t_interval), 'fm00.000')
  5    FROM (SELECT TO_DSINTERVAL('10 01:02:55.895') t_interval FROM dual)
  6  ;

+10 01:02:55.895

This is not very elegant but it seems it is the only way to deal with microseconds precision.

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Vincent Malgrat Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Vincent Malgrat

to_char() seems to have fixed format :( so regexp_substr may be an option, e.g.:

SELECT regexp_substr (TO_DSINTERVAL ('10 10:00:00'), '\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\.\d{3}') t_interval FROM dual
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tomi Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 09:10


I realize it's not clever at all, nor is it the special format string you're looking for, but this answer does work, given that the output is fixed length:

SELECT    SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))), 1, 1)
       || SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))), 9, 2)
       || ' '
       || SUBSTR(TO_CHAR(NVL(arg1 - arg2, TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:00:00'))), 12, 12)
  FROM table1;

It also just truncs the fractional seconds instead of rounding, but I assume from your example they're all just zeros anyway.

This is an even greater embarrassment, but I couldn't resist:

                     , '0000000', '')
             , 1, 16)
  FROM table1;
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Steve Broberg Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Steve Broberg

Slight case of thread necromancy, however I came across this question while searching for how to format an interval, so I thought it was worth adding this comment.

From the Oracle documentation, adding a timestamp to an interval results in a timestamp, so by adding a constant timestamp with zero time elements you can then use the standard to_char format elements for datetime ...

SELECT TO_CHAR( TIMESTAMP'1969-12-31 00:00:00' + TO_DSINTERVAL('0 00:03:01.954321'),
  'HH24:MI:SS.FF3' ) FROM dual;

However, there is an issue if you intervals could be greater than a day. There is no format element for days that will yield 0. "DDD" is day of the year, so would be 365 in the example above, or 1 or more if the interval was greater then a day. This is fine as long as your intervals are less than 24 hours though.

Should add this is on 11g so may well not have be applicable to the OP.

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Jeremy Gosling Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 10:10

Jeremy Gosling

SELECT W.SHIFT_NUMB || ' c: ' ||
       TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('01.01.2012', 'dd.mm.yyyy') + W.TIMEFROM, 'HH24:MI') ||
       ' по: ' ||
       TO_CHAR(TO_DATE('01.01.2012', 'dd.mm.yyyy') + W.TIMETO, 'HH24:MI'),

Just add date and use to_char ('HH24:MI') !

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Grigo Port Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 11:10

Grigo Port