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Why is SQL's grammar inside-out?

In just about any formally structured set of information, you start reading either from the start towards the end, or occasionally from the end towards the beginning (street addresses, for example.) But in SQL, especially SELECT queries, in order to properly understand its meaning you have to start in the middle, at the FROM clause. This can make long queries very difficult to read, especially if it contains nested SELECT queries.

Usually in programming, when something doesn't seem to make any sense, there's a historical reason behind it. Starting with the SELECT instead of the FROM doesn't make sense. Does anyone know the reason it's done that way?

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Mason Wheeler Avatar asked Jun 06 '09 12:06

Mason Wheeler

People also ask

How SQL query works internally in SQL Server?

In the relational engine, a query is parsed and then processed by the query optimizer, which generates an execution plan. When any query reaches SQL Server, the first place it goes to is the relational engine. Here, the query compilation process happens in three phases; Parsing, Binding and Optimization.

What does with do in SQL?

The WITH clause in SQL was introduced in standard SQL to simplify complex long queries, especially those with JOINs and subqueries. Often interchangeably called CTE or subquery refactoring, a WITH clause defines a temporary data set whose output is available to be referenced in subsequent queries.

What is flow of SQL query?

Syntactical Flow of QuerySELECT statement begins with a list of columns or expressions. FROM portion of the SELECT statement assembles all the data sources into a result set that is used by the rest of the SELECT statement.

3 Answers

I think the way in which a SQL statement is structured makes logical sense as far as English sentences are structured. Basically


I don't think it makes much sense, In English at least, to say

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Russ Cam Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Russ Cam

The SQL Wikipedia entry briefly describes some history:

During the 1970s, a group at IBM San Jose Research Laboratory developed the System R relational database management system, based on the model introduced by Edgar F. Codd in his influential paper, "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks". Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce of IBM subsequently created the Structured English Query Language (SEQUEL) to manipulate and manage data stored in System R. The acronym SEQUEL was later changed to SQL because "SEQUEL" was a trademark of the UK-based Hawker Siddeley aircraft company.

The original name explicitly mentioned English, explaining the syntax.

Digging a little deeper, we find the FLOW-MATIC programming language.

FLOW-MATIC, originally known as B-0 (Business Language version 0), is possibly the first English-like data processing language. It was invented and specified by Grace Hopper, and development of the commercial variant started at Remington Rand in 1955 for the UNIVAC I. By 1958, the compiler and its documentation were generally available and being used commercially.

FLOW-MATIC was the inspiration behind the Common Business Oriented Language, one of the oldest programming languages still in active use. Keeping with that spirit, SEQUEL was designed with English-like syntax (1970s is modern, compared with 1950s and 1960s).

In perspective, "modern" programming systems still access databases using the age old ideas behind

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gimel Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09


I must disagree. SQL grammar is not inside-out.

From the very first look you can tell whether the query will SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE data (all the rest of SQL, e.g. DDL, omitted on purpose).

Back to your SELECT statement confusion: The aim of SQL is to be declarative. Which means you express WHAT you want and not HOW you want it. So it makes every sense to first state WHAT YOU WANT (list of attributes you're selecting) and then provide the DBMS with some additional info on where that should be looked up FROM.

Placing the WHERE clause at the end makes great sense too: Imagine a funnel, wide at the top, narrow at the bottom. By adding a WHERE clause towards the end of the statement, you are choking down the amount of resulting data. Applying restrictions to your query any place else than at the bottom would require the developer to turn their head around.

ORDER BY clause at the very end: once the data has gone through the funnel, sort it.

JOINS (JOIN criteria) really belong into the FROM clause.

GROUPING: basically running data through a funnel before it gets into another funnel.

SQL sytax is sweet. There's nothing inside out about it. Maybe that's why SQL is so popular even after so many decades. It's rather easy to grasp and to make sense out of. (Although I have once faced a 7-page (A4-size) SQL statement which took me quite a while to get my head around.)

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Peter Perháč Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 01:09

Peter Perháč