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Form validation and form helper

I still struggle with the form validation and form helpers in Play 2.0. I have this login screen that I use together with the Twitter Bootstrap. So my login form looks like this:

    @helper.form(routes.Application.authenticate, 'class -> "form-horizontal") {

            @if(loginForm.hasGlobalErrors) { 
                <div class="alert alert-error">
                <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>
            @if(flash.contains("success")) {
                <div class="alert alert-success">
                <a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>

            @inputText(loginForm("email"), '_label -> "Email")
            @inputText(loginForm("password"), '_label -> Messages("login.password"))

            <div class="form-actions">
                <button type="submit" class="btn btn-success">@Messages("button.doLogin")</button>
                <a class="btn btn-warning" href="routes.LandingPage.index">@Messages("button.doCancel")</a>

And my twitter bootstrap field looks like following:

@(elements: helper.FieldElements)

* Generate input according twitter bootsrap rules *
<div class="control-group @if(elements.hasErrors) {error}">
    <label class="control-label" for="@elements.id">@elements.label</label>
    <div class="controls">
        <span class="help-inline">@elements.infos.mkString(", ")</span> 

This is the output:

Login screen

What I do not understand:

1, Why is the help text visible all te time (on the right side of the input field)

The help text comes from @elements.infos.mkString(", "). So deleting this line will delete the help text. Or you can pass an empty string to supress the helptext being visible: '_help -> ""

2, How to show only the help text if an error occurs?

Help text can be added when using this code: @elements.errors(elements.lang).mkString(", ")

3, What are the possible parameters to pass to an input text field? I want to pass the class name as well, but I do not know how...

I can define my custom arguments to pass (i.e. class or placeholders): class="@elements.args.get('_class) and then I can pass it like this: '_class -> "classname"

4, Can I define more than one implicitFieldConstructors in one template part? Because for the checkboxes I want another fieldConstructor compared to the imput boxes and textarea, but how to do this?

Example for this: In the computer-database sample a Twitter bootstrap field is defined, but then it is used as follows:

@inputText(loginForm("email"), '_label -> "Email")

Why is the name here inputText and not just input? Because there is also an input.scala.html?

So, If I want to make a fieldhandler for the checkbox, how to use this? The following format is giving me errors:

@checkBoxHandler = @{ FieldConstructor(s2ftheme.constructors.checkbox.render) }
@checkbox(loginForm("remember"), '_label -> Messages("login.remeberme"))(handler = implicitFieldConstructor)

I get the error message:

not enough arguments for method apply: (implicit handler: views.html.helper.FieldConstructor, implicit lang: play.api.i18n.Lang)play.api.templates.Html in object checkbox. Unspecified value parameter lang.

I think I am missing the concept here... Thanks.

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adis Avatar asked Apr 18 '12 14:04


People also ask

What is a form validation?

Form validation is a “technical process where a web-form checks if the information provided by a user is correct.” The form will either alert the user that they messed up and need to fix something to proceed, or the form will be validated and the user will be able to continue with their registration process.

What is form validation and its types?

Form validation is useful when you need a user to input information that is expected to meet certain requirements. There are two validation standards: server side validation and client side validation. There are several ways to achieve accurate form validation for each of these standards.

Why do we need form validation?

Why is Form Validation Needed? Form validation is required to prevent online form abuse by malicious users. Improper validation of form data is one of the main causes of security vulnerabilities. It exposes your website to attacks such as header injections, cross-site scripting, and SQL injections.

2 Answers

The info text comes from @elements.infos.mkString(", "). To show the errors, you should use @elements.errors(elements.lang).mkString(", ") instead.

The correct parameter to change the infos content would be help (this is a bit inconsistent, you have to read the source to realize this) so if you want to use the built-in bootstrap fields but suppress the infos, you'd pass '_help -> "".

Edit for #4:

Here's how you should call your specific checkbox:

@checkbox(loginForm("remember"), '_label -> Messages("login.remeberme"))(handler = implicitFieldConstructor, implicitly[Lang])

And yes, @input means there's a template called input.scala.html. It's the basic template for all input helpers.

To understand why and how this works, you should dive a little deeper into Play 2.0 and Scala (esp. implicit arguments).

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Marius Soutier Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 00:10

Marius Soutier

  1. Because of this line <span class="help-inline">@elements.infos.mkString(", ")</span>. You are displaying the information about the field there. Remove it to don't display the information.
  2. Add this code:

    @if(elements.hasErrors) {
        <span class="help-inline">@elements.infos.mkString(", ")</span> 
  3. To set the classname: add this to your Twitter Bootstrap field: class="@elements.args.get('_class). And in your login form add the class parameter, like this: @inputText(loginForm("email"), '_label -> "Email", '_class -> "classname")

To understand the concept, take a look at the source code: https://github.com/playframework/Play20/blob/master/framework/src/play/src/main/scala/views/helper/defaultFieldConstructor.scala.html

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Leonard Punt Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10

Leonard Punt