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Why would my play framework say wait for a .sbt lock to be available?

[Sally] $ run

[info] Updating {file:/Users/MyName/Desktop/sally/todolist/}Sally...
Waiting for lock on /Users/MyName/Documents/play-2.1.3/repository/.sbt.ivy.lock to be available...

Sally is my project's name. I am learning how to use play. Yesterday It was all awesome. Today when I woke up and opened my computer, everything went to hell. I kept seeing this message when I try to run the program.

What is this lock anyway? Should I uninstall/remove the framework and reinstall it?? (Btw how do I do that?)

like image 243
windweller Avatar asked Sep 02 '13 18:09


1 Answers

Just remove the .lock file. It is used when resolving dependancies and to avoid conflicts if you launch two Play consoles.

like image 88
ndeverge Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10
