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Forcing excess-property checking on variable passed to TypeScript function



Is there a way to force excess-property checking to happen, not just for an inlined object literal but one that derives from a variable?

For example, suppose I have an interface and a function

interface Animal {
    speciesName: string
    legCount: number,

function serializeBasicAnimalData(a: Animal) {
    // something

If I call 

    legCount: 65,
    speciesName: "weird 65-legged animal",
    specialPowers: "Devours plastic"

I would get an error -- which for my situation, is what I want.  I only want the function to take in a generic animal description without extra specifics.

On the other hand, if I first create a variable for it, I don't get the error:

var weirdAnimal = {
    legCount: 65,
    speciesName: "weird 65-legged animal",
    specialPowers: "Devours plastic"

So my question is: Is there a way to somehow force TypeScript to apply "excess property checking" to the function parameter irrespective of whether it's an inlined object or an object that has previously been assigned to a variable?


like image 842
Michael Zlatkovsky - Microsoft Avatar asked Feb 19 '19 22:02

Michael Zlatkovsky - Microsoft

2 Answers

Hope this helps, this will cause it to fail. The underlying cause here is Typescripts reliance on structural typing which is alot better than the alternative which is Nominal typing but still has its problems.

type StrictPropertyCheck<T, TExpected, TError> = Exclude<keyof T, keyof TExpected> extends never ? {} : TError;

interface Animal {
    speciesName: string
    legCount: number,

function serializeBasicAnimalData<T extends Animal>(a: T & StrictPropertyCheck<T, Animal, "Only allowed properties of Animal">) {
    // something

var weirdAnimal = {
    legCount: 65,
    speciesName: "weird 65-legged animal",
    specialPowers: "Devours plastic"
serializeBasicAnimalData(weirdAnimal); // now correctly fails
like image 98
Shanon Jackson Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 19:11

Shanon Jackson

I needed this to enforce an object shape in Redux.

I have combined the answer in this great article and Shannon's answer in this thread here. I think this gives a tiny bit more concise way to implement this:

export type StrictPropertyCheck<T, TExpected, TError> = T extends TExpected
  ? Exclude<keyof T, keyof TExpected> extends never
    ? T
    : TError
  : TExpected

Here ^^ I put the T extends TExpected in the StrictPropertyCheck, that is all the difference actually but I thought linking the article above would help others landing on this thread.

Usage for redux action creator:

export type Credentials = {
  email: string
  password: string

export type StrictCreds<T> = T &

export type AuthActionType =
  | {
      type: AuthAction.LOGIN
      payload: StrictCreds<Credentials>
  | { type: AuthAction.LOGOUT 
export const login = <T>(credentials: StrictCreds<T>): AuthActionType => {
  return {
    type: AuthAction.LOGIN,
    payload: credentials as Credentials,
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dugong Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11
