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Why can't we define a const field in TypeScript class, and why static readonly is not working?

I want to use const keyword in my program.

export class Constant {

    let result : string;

    private const CONSTANT = 'constant'; //Error: A class member cannot have the const keyword.

    constructor () {}

    public doSomething () {
        if (condition is true) {
           //do the needful
            this.result = this.CONSTANT; // NO ERROR


Question1: why the class member does not have the const keyword in typescript?

Question2: When I use

static readonly CONSTANT = 'constant';

and assign it in

this.result = this.CONSTANT;

it displays error. why so?

I have followed this post How to implement class constants in typescript? but don't get the answer why typescript is displaying this kind of error with const keyword.

like image 397
Aditya Avatar asked Oct 17 '17 07:10


People also ask

How do you make a const readonly in TypeScript?

Creating Read-Only Properties in TypeScript To create a read-only property, we prefix the keyword readonly before the property name. In the example below the price property is marked as readonly . We can assign a value to the price property when we initialize the object. However, we cannot change its value afterward.

What is the difference between const and readonly in TypeScript?

Summary: they are the same but const is for variables & readonly is for class properties.

How do you define a static constant in TypeScript?

Use the readonly modifier to declare constants in a class. When a class field is prefixed with the readonly modifier, you can only assign a value to the property inside of the class's constructor. Assignment to the property outside of the constructor causes an error.

Is readonly property available in TypeScript?

TypeScript includes the readonly keyword that makes a property as read-only in the class, type or interface. Prefix readonly is used to make a property as read-only. Read-only members can be accessed outside the class, but their value cannot be changed.

1 Answers

Question1: why the class member does not have the const keyword in typescript?

By design. Among other reasons, because EcmaScript6 doesn't either.

This question is specifically answered here : 'const' keyword in TypeScript

Question2: When I use

static readonly CONSTANT = 'constant';and assign it in

this.result = this.CONSTANT;

it displays error. why so?

If you use static, then you can't refer to your variable with this, but with the the name of the class !

export class Constant{

let result : string;

static readonly CONSTANT = 'constant';


public doSomething(){
   if( condition is true){
      //do the needful
      this.result = Constant.CONSTANT;

Why ? Because this refers to the instance of the class to which the field / method belongs. For a static variable / method, it doesn't belong to any instance, but to the class itself (quickly simplified)

like image 195
Pac0 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09
