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Force image caching with javascript

I am trying to clone an image which is generated randomly. Although I am using the exact same url a different image is load. (tested in chrome and firefox)

I can't change the image server so I am looking for a pure javascript/jQuery solution.

How do you force the browser to reuse the first image?

Firefox: Firefox Demo

Chrome: Chrome Demo

Try it yourself (maybe you have to reload it several times to see it)

Code: http://jsfiddle.net/TRUbK/

$("<img/>").attr('src', img_src)
$("<div/>").css('background', background)

Demo: http://jsfiddle.net/TRUbK/embedded/result/

like image 521
jantimon Avatar asked Aug 10 '12 18:08


People also ask

How do I force a photo to reload?

Ctrl+F5 will force a page load to bypass the cache on most browsers or if you open the developer tools and do a page reload the cache will be bypassed as well.

How do you caching in JavaScript?

You can cache a resource using three methods add , addAll , set . add() and addAll() method automatically fetches a resource, and caches it, whereas in set method we will fetch a data and set the cache. });});

How do I refresh IMG tags?

To refresh the image in JavaScript, we can simply select the img element and modify its src attribute to be that of the target image, along with the timestamp parameter to ensure it does not access it from the cache.

How do I cache a static image?

Here is what you need to remember while caching static resources on CDN or local cache server: Use Cache-control HTTP directive to control who can cache the response, under which conditions, and for how long. Configure your server or application to send validation token Etag. Do not cache HTML in the browser.

1 Answers

You can't change the image server if it isn't yours, but you can trivially write something on your own server to handle it for you.

First write something in your server-side language of choice (PHP, ASP.NET, whatever) that:

  1. Hits http://a.random-image.net/handler.aspx?username=chaosdragon&randomizername=goat&random=292.3402&fromrandomrandomizer=yes and downloads it. You generate a key in one of two way. Either get a hash of the whole thing (MD5 should be fine, it's not a security-related use so worries that it's too weak these days don't apply). Or get the size of the image - the latter could have a few duplicates, but is faster to produce.
  2. If the image isn't already stored, save it in a location using that key as part of its filename, and the content-type as another part (in case there's a mixture of JPEGs and PNGs)
  3. Respond with an XML or JSON response with the URI for the next stage.

In your client side-code, you hit that URI through XmlHttpRequest to obtain the URI to use with your images. If you want a new random one, hit that first URI again, if you want the same image for two or more places, use the same result.

That URI hits something like http://yourserver/storedRandImage?id=XXX where XXX is the key (hash or size as decided above). The handler for that looks up the stored copies of the images, and sends the file down the response stream, with the correct content-type.

This is all really easy technically, but the possible issue is a legal one, since you're storing copies of the images on another server, you may no longer be within the terms of your agreement with the service sending the random images.

like image 153
Jon Hanna Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 00:09

Jon Hanna