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Force deletion of slot in boost::signals2

I have found that boost::signals2 uses sort of a lazy deletion of connected slots, which makes it difficult to use connections as something that manages lifetimes of objects. I am looking for a way to force slots to be deleted directly when disconnected. Any ideas on how to work around the problem by designing my code differently are also appreciated!

This is my scenario: I have a Command class responsible for doing something that takes time asynchronously, looking something like this (simplified):

class ActualWorker {
    boost::signals2<void ()> OnWorkComplete;

class Command : boost::enable_shared_from_this<Command> {

    void Execute() {
        m_WorkerConnection = m_MyWorker.OnWorkDone.connect(boost::bind(&Command::Handle_OnWorkComplete, shared_from_this());

        // launch asynchronous work here and return

    boost::signals2<void ()> OnComplete;

    void Handle_OnWorkComplete() {
        // get a shared_ptr to ourselves to make sure that we live through
        // this function but don't keep ourselves alive if an exception occurs.
        shared_ptr<Command> me = shared_from_this();

        // Disconnect from the signal, ideally deleting the slot object


        // the shared_ptr now goes out of scope, ideally deleting this

    ActualWorker m_MyWorker;
    boost::signals2::connection m_WorkerConnection;

The class is invoked about like this:

boost::shared_ptr<Command> cmd(new Command);
cmd->OnComplete.connect( foo );
// now go do something else, forget all about the cmd variable etcetera.

the Command class keeps itself alive by getting a shared_ptr to itself which is bound to the ActualWorker signal using boost::bind.

When the worker completes, the handler in Command is invoked. Now, since I would like the Command object to be destroyed, I disconnect from the signal as can be seen in the code above. The problem is that the actual slot object is not deleted when disconnected, it is only marked as invalid and then deleted at a later time. This in turn appears to depend on the signal to fire again, which it doesn't do in my case, leading to the slot never expiring. The boost::bind object thus never goes out of scope, holding a shared_ptr to my object that will never get deleted.

I can work around this by binding using the this pointer instead of a shared_ptr and then keeping my object alive using a member shared_ptr which I then release in the handler function, but it kind of makes the design feel a bit overcomplicated. Is there a way to force signals2 to delete the slot when disconnecting? Or is there something else I could do to simplify the design?

Any comments are appreciated!

like image 673
villintehaspam Avatar asked Jan 12 '10 13:01


2 Answers

boost::signals2 does clean up the slots during connect/invoke.

So if all the slots disconnect themselves from the signal, invoking the signal a second time will not call anything but it should clean up the slots.

To answer your comment, yes, invoking the signal again is not safe if there are be other slots connected, as they will be invoked again. In that case I suggest you go the other way around and connect a dummy slot, then disconnect it when your "real" slot is invoked. Connecting another slot will clean up stale connections, so your slot should be released.

Just make sure that you don't keep any references that need freeing in the dummy slot, or you're back where you started.

like image 176
Dan Berindei Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Dan Berindei

This is an incredibly annoying aspect of boost::signals2.

The approach I took to resolve it is to store the signal in a scoped_ptr, and when I want to force disconnection of all slots, I delete the signal. This only works in cases when you want to forcefully disconnect all connections to a signal.

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Kranar Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 06:09
