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Is there a flaw in how clang implements char8_t or does some dark corner of the standard prohibit optimization?

clang 8.0.0 introduces support for the char8_t type from c++20. However, I would expect the following functions to have the same compiler output

#include <algorithm>

bool compare4(char const* pcha, char const* pchB, int n) {
    return std::equal(pcha, pcha+4, pchB);

bool compare4(char8_t const* pchA, char8_t const* pchB, int n) {
    return std::equal(pchA, pchA+4, pchB);

However, they compile under -std=c++2a -O2 to

compare4(char const*, char const*, int):   # @compare4(char const*, char const*, int)
        mov     eax, dword ptr [rdi]
        cmp     eax, dword ptr [rsi]
        sete    al
_Z8compare4PKDuS0_i:                       # @_Z8compare4PKDuS0_i
        mov     al, byte ptr [rdi]
        cmp     al, byte ptr [rsi]
        jne     .LBB1_4
        mov     al, byte ptr [rdi + 1]
        cmp     al, byte ptr [rsi + 1]
        jne     .LBB1_4
        mov     al, byte ptr [rdi + 2]
        cmp     al, byte ptr [rsi + 2]
        jne     .LBB1_4
        mov     al, byte ptr [rdi + 3]
        cmp     al, byte ptr [rsi + 3]
        sete    al
        xor     eax, eax

in which the latter is clearly less optimized. Is there a reason for this (I couldn't find any in the standard) or is this a bug in clang?

like image 790
Tobi Avatar asked Apr 16 '19 14:04


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1 Answers

  1. In libstdc++, std::equal calls __builtin_memcmp when it detects that the arguments are "simple", otherwise it uses a naive for loop. "Simple" here means pointers (or certain iterator wrappers around pointer) to the same integer or pointer type.(relevant source code)

    • Whether a type is an integer type is detected by the internal __is_integer trait, but libstdc++ 8.2.0 (the version used on godbolt.org) does not specialize this trait for char8_t, so the latter is not detected as an integer type.(relevant source code)
  2. Clang (with this particular configuration) generates more verbose assembly in the for loop case than in the __builtin_memcmp case. (But the former is not necessarily less optimized in terms of performance. See Loop_unrolling.)

So there's a reason for this difference, and it's not a bug in clang IMO.

like image 98
cpplearner Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 22:11
