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For-loop variable scope confusion

I have noticed a weird behavior of the variables in for loops. It's not really a problem, but it disturbs me a lot.
Actually I've created two loops this way:

for (var i:uint; i<19; i++) SomeFunction (i);
for (var i:uint; i<26; i++) SomeOtherFunction (i);

What I received was a compilation warning:
Warning: Duplicate variable definition.

This warning really surprised me. Nothing like that ever happened to me in other languages.
It seems that the i variable gets into the scope that is higher in the hierarchy and becomes available out of the loop's block. I've also tried to embrace the loop block in a curly brace, but it didn't change anything.
Why does it happen? Is it normal? Is it possible to avoid it? For now I've just set different names for both of the variables, but that's not a real solution I think. I'd really like to use the i-named variable in most of my for-loops.

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rhino Avatar asked Dec 18 '10 20:12


People also ask

What is the scope of a variable in a for-loop?

In C/C++, the scope of a variable declared in a for or while loop (or any other bracketed block, for that matter) is from the open bracket to the close bracket.

DO for loops have scope in Python?

In Python, for-loops use the scope they exist in and leave their defined loop-variable behind in the surrounding scope. This also applies if we explicitly defined the for-loop variable in the global namespace before. In this case, it will rebind the existing variable.

Is it bad to initialize variables in a loop?

It's not a problem to define a variable within a loop. In fact, it's good practice, since identifiers should be confined to the smallest possible scope. What's bad is to assign a variable within a loop if you could just as well assign it once before the loop runs.

What happens when a variable of reference data type goes out of scope?

Nothing physical happens. A typical implementation will allocate enough space in the program stack to store all variables at the deepest level of block nesting in the current function. This space is typically allocated in the stack in one shot at the function startup and released back at the function exit.

1 Answers

yes, the loop increment variable is in the scope of the loops parent, not inside the loop itself. This is intentional, for examples like this:

public function getPositionOfValue ( value:String ) : int
    for ( var i:int = 0; i < someArray; i++ )
        if (someArray[i] == value )

    return i;

this allows you to access the value of i once the loop is over. There are lots of cases where this is very useful.

What you should do in the cases where you have multiple loops inside the same scope is var the i outside of the loops:

public function getPositionOfValue ( value:String ) : int
    var i:int;

    for ( i = 0; i < 15; i++ )
        //do something

    for ( i = 0; i < 29; i++ )
        //do something else

    return i;

then you get rid of your warning. The other thing to consider is to name your loop increment variables something more descriptive.

Update: Two other things to consider:

1) you shouldn't use uints except for things like colors and places where Flex expects a uint. They are slower than int's to use. Source]1 Update: it looks like this may no longer be the case in newer versions of the flash player: source

2) when you var a loop increment variable inside of a loop declaration, you want to make sure you set it to the proper initialization value, usually 0. You can get some hard to track down bugs if you dont.

like image 101
Ryan Guill Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 05:10

Ryan Guill