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Convert camel case to human readable string?

Is there a reg exp or function that will convert camel case, css and underscore to human readable format? It does not need to support non-humans at this time. Sorry aliens. :(


helloWorld -> "Hello World"
hello-world -> "Hello World"
hello_world -> "Hello World"

like image 684
1.21 gigawatts Avatar asked Jan 15 '14 20:01

1.21 gigawatts

3 Answers

Split by non-words; capitalize; join:

function toCapitalizedWords(name) {
    var words = name.match(/[A-Za-z][a-z]*/g) || [];

    return words.map(capitalize).join(" ");

function capitalize(word) {
    return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substring(1);
like image 93
Ry- Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10


Extract all words with a regular expression. Capitalize them. Then, join them with spaces.

Example regexp:


/   ^[a-z]+      // 1 or more lowercase letters at the beginning of the string
    |            // OR
    [A-Z][a-z]*  // a capital letter followed by zero or more lowercase letters
/g               // global, match all instances  

Example function:

var camelCaseToWords = function(str){
    return str.match(/^[a-z]+|[A-Z][a-z]*/g).map(function(x){
        return x[0].toUpperCase() + x.substr(1).toLowerCase();
    }).join(' ');

// Camel Case String

// This Is A Test
like image 10
nderscore Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10


Here is the ActionScript version based on the idea from Ricks C example code. For JavaScript version remove the strong typing. For example, change var value:String to var value. Basically remove any declaration that starts with a semicolon, :String, :int, etc.

 * Changes camel case to a human readable format. So helloWorld, hello-world and hello_world becomes "Hello World". 
 * */
public static function prettifyCamelCase(value:String=""):String {
    var output:String = "";
    var len:int = value.length;
    var char:String;

    for (var i:int;i<len;i++) {
        char = value.charAt(i);

        if (i==0) {
            output += char.toUpperCase();
        else if (char !== char.toLowerCase() && char === char.toUpperCase()) {
            output += " " + char;
        else if (char == "-" || char == "_") {
            output += " ";
        else {
            output += char;

    return output;

JavaScript version:

 * Changes camel case to a human readable format. So helloWorld, hello-world and hello_world becomes "Hello World". 
 * */
function prettifyCamelCase(str) {
    var output = "";
    var len = str.length;
    var char;

    for (var i=0 ; i<len ; i++) {
        char = str.charAt(i);

        if (i==0) {
            output += char.toUpperCase();
        else if (char !== char.toLowerCase() && char === char.toUpperCase()) {
            output += " " + char;
        else if (char == "-" || char == "_") {
            output += " ";
        else {
            output += char;

    return output;
like image 3
1.21 gigawatts Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 09:10

1.21 gigawatts