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How to remove HTML tags from rendered text

I am needing to remove the opening and closing <p> tags from some rendered comment text. I pass the content to a component as a prop and i think that in doing so, it doesn't allow for the v-html directive to work correctly.

I need the content to render without the html tags

Here is where I am trying to render normally with v-html

 <textarea class="form-control comment-inline-edit" v-html="content" name="comment-inline-edit" cols="45" rows="3"></textarea>

And here is where I am passing the rendered content from the parent component

<CommentEdit v-show="isEditting" :content="comment.content.rendered" v-on:cancel="cancelEdit" />

Is there a VueJS way to do this other than using v-html?

like image 547
Zach Tackett Avatar asked Jun 05 '17 14:06

Zach Tackett

People also ask

How do you remove HTML tags in HTML?

Approach: Select the HTML element which need to remove. Use JavaScript remove() and removeChild() method to remove the element from the HTML document.

How remove HTML tag Delete?

replaceAll() to remove HTML tags: String html = ... // load example1. html String result = html. replaceAll("<[^>]*>", ""); System.

How remove HTML tag from string in react?

To remove html tags from string in react js, just use the /(<([^>]+)>)/ig regex with replace() method it will remove tags with their attribute and return new string.

2 Answers

I would recommend you strip HTML from rendered text in VueJS using a filter, that way you can repeatedly use the filter around the application, rather than a specific singular computation.

I wrote the following, which utilizes the browser's parsing (most reliable method) as regex can be thwarted by user silliness:

Vue.filter('stripHTML', function (value) {
  const div = document.createElement('div')
  div.innerHTML = value
  const text = div.textContent || div.innerText || ''
  return text

Once you include this in your app.js you can then render it anywhere as follows:

{{ pdf.description | stripHTML }}
like image 52
Grant Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10


  <p> @{{data.description | strippedContent}} </p>

filters: {
    strippedContent: function(string) {
           return string.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/ig, " "); 

Working for me

like image 35
manoj patel Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

manoj patel