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for-loop for every folder in a directory, excluding some of them




Thank you very much in advance for helping!

I have this code in bash:

for d in this_folder/*    
        plugin=$(basename $d)
        echo $plugin'?'
        read $plugin

Which works like a charm. For every folders inside 'this_folder', echo it as a question and store the input into a variable with the same name.

But now I'd like to exclude some folders, so for example, it will ask for every folder in that directory, ONLY if they are NOT any of the following folders: global, plugins, and css.

Any ideas how can I achieve this?



This is how the final code looks like:


> vt_conf.sh
echo "# ========== Base"     >> vt_conf.sh
for d in $orig_include/@($base)
    plugin=$(basename $d)
    echo "$plugin=y"         >> vt_conf.sh
echo ''                      >> vt_conf.sh
echo "# ========== Optional" >> vt_conf.sh
for d in $orig_include/!($base)
    plugin=$(basename $d)
    echo "$plugin=n"         >> vt_conf.sh
like image 896
RafaelGP Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 11:10


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1 Answers

You can use continue to skip one iteration of the loop:

for d in this_folder/*    
        plugin=$(basename $d)
        [[ $plugin =~ ^(global|plugins|css)$ ]] && continue
        echo $plugin'?'
        read $plugin
like image 100
choroba Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 22:10
