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For asp.net mvc which js best either AngularJs or BackboneJs or KnockOutJs? [closed]

I am working in Asp.net MVC for last 1 year but I have never used AngularJs , BackboneJs or KnockoutJs . Now I want to use it in my project but I am little bit confuse that for MVC which is one is Best . Somewhere I read that AngularJs has best perfomance but mostly used with MVVM framework so kindly provide me proper guidance that with Asp.net MVC which js is best either AngularJs or BackboneJs or KnockoutJs ?

Thanks in Advance.

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Dilip0165 Avatar asked Jan 07 '14 11:01


People also ask

Which one is better angular or ASP.NET MVC?

Both ASP.NET MVC and AngularJS has their own purposes and advantages. As with your specific question, AngularJs is better for SPA (Single Page Applications), where as ASP.NET MVC is a full fledged server side Application which can contain WebAPIs, Routing engine as well as HTML emitting Views.

Can we use AngularJS with ASP.NET MVC?

To start, let's create ASP.NET MVC application and right click on the MVC project. From the context menu, click on Manage Nuget Package. Search for the AngularJS package and install into the project.

Do people still use KnockoutJS?

KnockoutJS is far from dead, and it's actually still being improved and evolved (see Technical Knockout) but newer frameworks seem a far better bet for our needs, considering activity and performance.

Is Backbone JS still relevant?

Backbone. Backbone has been around for a long time, but it's still under steady and regular development. It's a good choice if you want a flexible JavaScript framework with a simple model for representing data and getting it into views.

1 Answers

If you are building single page application you need a SPA framework. It should include two-way data-binding, client-side routing, page composition, navigation, screen state management, module system, bundling. You can choose between Angular and Durandal. They both provide very similar functionality, but in my opinion, Durandal is the most complete SPA framework, which is very easy to use. Both Durandal and Angular can be used with Breezejs to build data centric applications.

check Durandal, Durandal Auth and HotTowel Angular

If you are building ASP.NET MVC application, then all you need on the client side is two-way data binding to reduce DOM manipulations. In my opionion, it's an overkill to use angular just for data-binding. Backbone or Knockout are good choices, but Angular can be used as well.

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Erikas Pliauksta Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Erikas Pliauksta