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For AES CBC encryption, whats the importance of the IV?

What is the security threat of always using all zeroes for the IV? If it allows the encrypted text to be deciphered, how could an attacker do that?

UPDATE: So then, if the first block of unencrypted data had a timestamp that never repeated, would an IV still be necessary?

like image 722
Kyle Avatar asked Apr 14 '10 23:04


People also ask

Why does AES need an IV?

An initialization vector (or IV) are used to ensure that the same value encrypted multiple times, even with the same secret key, will not always result in the same encrypted value. This is an added security layer.

Does AES CBC require IV?

The CBC mode is well-defined and well-understood for symmetric ciphers, and is currently required for all other ESP ciphers. This document specifies the use of the AES cipher in CBC mode within ESP. This mode requires an Initialization Vector (IV) that is the same size as the block size.

What is IV in CBC encryption?

In Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) mode, an initialization vector (IV) is added to the first block of plaintext before encryption and the resultant ciphertext is added to the next block of plaintext before encryption, and so on. Decryption is the reverse process.

What is IV in AES 128 CBC?

The IV is not a secret, instead it is just used to bring necessary security properties into the mode of operation. However, be aware that encryption with CBC does not prevent people from tampering with the data.

1 Answers

The point of CBC is to randomize input blocks, because a given input block always gets encrypted the same with a given key (AES is deterministic). An input block is randomized by XORing it with the previous output block. The first block having no previous block, it is randomized by XORing it with the IV.

Thus, using a non-random IV means that you do not randomize the first block. If you never use the same key twice, i.e. you use a new key whenever you encrypt a new message, then an all-zero IV is not a problem. Issues with non-randomized input blocks are relevant only when there are two non-randomized input blocks which are encrypted with the same key. If you use a given key for a single message, then only the single first block of that message will be non-randomized, so no problem. But that is a big "if". In particular, if you can generate a new key for every message, then you probably can also generate a new IV for every message. It would take a quite specific scenario to justify using an all-zero IV with CBC.

like image 130
Thomas Pornin Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09

Thomas Pornin