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Flutter: There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value

I am trying to create a dropdown button in Flutter. I am getting a List from my database then I pass the list to my dropdownButton everything works the data is shown as intended but when I choose an element from it I get this error:

There should be exactly one item with [DropdownButton]'s value: Instance of 'Tag'.  Either zero or 2 or more [DropdownMenuItem]s were detected with the same value 'package:flutter/src/material/dropdown.dart': Failed assertion: line 805 pos 15: 'items == null || items.isEmpty || value == null ||           items.where((DropdownMenuItem<T> item) {             return item.value == value;           }).length == 1' 

I tried setting DropdownButton value to null it works but then I can't see the chosen element.

Here is my code:

FutureBuilder<List<Tag>>(     future: _tagDatabaseHelper.getTagList(),     builder: (BuildContext context, AsyncSnapshot<List<Tag>> snapshot) {       if (!snapshot.hasData) {         return Center(           child: CircularProgressIndicator(),         );       }       return ListView(         children: <Widget>[           SizedBox(             height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height * 0.2,           ),           Container(             margin: EdgeInsets.symmetric(                 horizontal: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width * 0.07),             child: Theme(               data: ThemeData(canvasColor: Color(0xFF525A71)),               child: DropdownButton<Tag>(                 value: _selectedTag,                 isExpanded: true,                 icon: Icon(                   Icons.arrow_drop_down,                   size: 24,                 ),                 hint: Text(                   "Select tags",                   style: TextStyle(color: Color(0xFF9F9F9F)),                 ),                 onChanged: (value) {                   setState(() {                     _selectedTag = value;                   });                 },                 items: snapshot.data.map((Tag tag) {                   return DropdownMenuItem<Tag>(                     value: tag,                     child: Text(                       tag.tagTitle,                       style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white),                     ),                   );                 }).toList(),                 value: _selectedTag,               ),             ),           ), 

I used futureBuilder to get my List from database.

like image 770
Abdelbaki Boukerche Avatar asked Mar 03 '20 15:03

Abdelbaki Boukerche

2 Answers

Well, since no problem has an exact same solution. I was facing the same issue with my code. Here is How I fixed this.

CODE of my DropdownButton:

DropdownButton(    items: _salutations          .map((String item) =>              DropdownMenuItem<String>(child: Text(item), value: item))          .toList(),     onChanged: (String value) {        setState(() {          print("previous ${this._salutation}");          print("selected $value");          this._salutation = value;             });           },      value: _salutation, ), 

The Error

In the code snippet below, I am setting the state for a selection value, which is of type String. Now problem with my code was the default initialization of this selection value. Initially, I was initializing the variable _salutation as:

String _salutation = ""; //Notice the empty String. 

This was a mistake!

Initial selection should not be null or empty as the error message correctly mentioned.

'items == null || items.isEmpty || value == null ||

And hence the crash:


Initialize the value object with some default value. Please note that the value should be the one of the values contained by your collection. If it is not, then expect a crash.

  String _salutation = "Mr."; //This is the selection value. It is also present in my array.   final _salutations = ["Mr.", "Mrs.", "Master", "Mistress"];//This is the array for dropdown 
like image 176
sud007 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09


Might also get this error if trying to set value of dropdown with a class instance;

  var tag1 = Tag();   var tag2 = Tag();   print(tag1 == tag2); // prints false, dropwdown computes that value is not present among dropdown options 

To solve this override operator ==:

class Tag{  String name = "tag";    @override   bool operator ==(Object other) => other is Tag && other.name == name;    @override   int get hashCode => name.hashCode; } 

or use https://pub.dev/packages/equatable lib

class Tag extends Equatable{  String name = "tag";    @override   List<Object> get props => [name]; } 
like image 24
Nuts Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 10:09
