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Flutter - How to query search item in List





I want search request on the List<Food> that I got. I have used a query method like this:

_foodList.where((food) => food.name == userInputValue).toList();

however, the search asked me to search with complete text and the right capitalization of the text.

how if I want to process a compilation of "dish", then all the names of foods that have the word "dish" will display in List?

like image 441
Muhammad Imanudin Avatar asked Jan 17 '19 09:01

Muhammad Imanudin

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1 Answers

Lower-case or upper-case all strings before comparison and use contains() instead of ==:

_foodList.where((food) => food.name.toLowerCase().contains(userInputValue.toLowerCase()).toList();

If values can be null you need to add additional checks.

like image 136
Günter Zöchbauer Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Günter Zöchbauer