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Flutter drawing a heart shape with CustomPainter

I'm wondering if anyone has any pointers on how to get started on drawing a heart shape in flutter with CustomPainter. I've managed to draw things like triangles and squares, or a basic circle, but a heart of course has both straight and curved lines.

I have this which draws a triangle, which looks a little like a heart, but don't know how to get the curved lines that a heart requires.

class Heart extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Container(
      child: CustomPaint(
        painter: TrianglePainter(
          strokeColor: Color(0xFFF27788),
          paintingStyle: PaintingStyle.fill,
        child: Container(
          height: 60 * Dep.hr,
          width: 60 * Dep.hr,

class TrianglePainter extends CustomPainter {
  final Color strokeColor;
  final PaintingStyle paintingStyle;
  final double strokeWidth;

  TrianglePainter({this.strokeColor, this.strokeWidth = 3, this.paintingStyle = PaintingStyle.stroke});

  void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
    Paint paint = Paint()
      ..color = strokeColor
      ..strokeWidth = strokeWidth
      ..style = paintingStyle;

    canvas.drawPath(getTrianglePath(size.width, size.height), paint);

  Path getTrianglePath(double x, double y) {
    return Path()
      ..moveTo(y, 0)
      ..lineTo(0, 0)
      ..lineTo(x / 2, y);

  bool shouldRepaint(TrianglePainter oldDelegate) {
    return oldDelegate.strokeColor != strokeColor ||
        oldDelegate.paintingStyle != paintingStyle ||
        oldDelegate.strokeWidth != strokeWidth;

Also it's just a block of colour, but I really need a border around the shape too. This is my expected output, not sure if it's wishful thinking or not.

enter image description here

like image 618
Hasen Avatar asked Dec 06 '22 09:12


1 Answers

Try this :

  class HeartWidget extends StatefulWidget {
    _HeartWidgetState createState() => _HeartWidgetState();

  class _HeartWidgetState extends State<HeartWidget> {
    Widget build(BuildContext context) {
      return Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Testing'),
        body: Center(
        child: CustomPaint(
            size: Size(70, 80),
            painter: HeartPainter(),

  class HeartPainter extends CustomPainter {
    void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
      // TODO: implement paint
      Paint paint = Paint();
        ..color = Colors.black
        ..style = PaintingStyle.stroke
        ..strokeCap = StrokeCap.round
        ..strokeWidth = 6;

      Paint paint1 = Paint();
        ..color = Colors.red
        ..style = PaintingStyle.fill
        ..strokeWidth = 0;

      double width = size.width;
      double height = size.height;

      Path path = Path();
      path.moveTo(0.5 * width, height * 0.35);
      path.cubicTo(0.2 * width, height * 0.1, -0.25 * width, height * 0.6,
          0.5 * width, height);
      path.moveTo(0.5 * width, height * 0.35);
      path.cubicTo(0.8 * width, height * 0.1, 1.25 * width, height * 0.6,
          0.5 * width, height);

      canvas.drawPath(path, paint1);
      canvas.drawPath(path, paint);

    bool shouldRepaint(CustomPainter oldDelegate) {
      return true;

enter image description here

like image 112
Amit Prajapati Avatar answered Jan 09 '23 06:01

Amit Prajapati