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Flow type, What does the `+` symbol mean in front a property?

I came across the following code written in js FlowType (I am interested to know the value of + in the context of FlowType not in general JS).

Could you please explain me what does the + symbol mean in front of the property in the code below:

  export type User = {       +name: string,       +surname: string,       +personId: PourceId,     } 

I could not find any reference in the documentation, any link is also welcome.

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GibboK Avatar asked Sep 21 '17 08:09


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1 Answers

The + symbol in front of the property means the property is read-only

Reference: https://flow.org/en/docs/types/interfaces/#toc-interface-property-variance-read-only-and-write-only

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MichaelDeBoey Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09
