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float: right doesn't work





I have two div's which classes are left and right. left is floated to left and right div is floated to right, but float doesn't work, I don't know why... I can't setup width in left div because I don't know right div images width's. So it's need to be fluid... here is page: link removed. sorry

and here is page where it's work's. http://www.france24.com/en/20100111-freud-monet-basquiat-view-paris-2010

I spend on this 3 hours, I don't know why right is not floating...

Upd: The problem fixed! Thank you ;)

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Tigran Tokmajyan Avatar asked Feb 14 '10 21:02

Tigran Tokmajyan

2 Answers

Don't float the article content left; it does nothing. Instead, take the items you wish to float to the right, and put them above the main content. That's just how floats work. If you find that it doesn't work, even after testing, try again :P

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Matchu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


The right float needs to be before the left one.

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mythz Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 00:09
