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flexbox columns and IE

Everything works fine in Chrome and Firefox but guess what, I have a problem in IE! (IE11)

In my responsive layout I want to menu to be horizontal in pc mode and vertical in tablet/mobile mode. It does just that, but in IE the menu items have no height. They all collapse to 0 height if inspected with the developer tool. I can't find why.

Anyone would have an idea?

I made a codepen for it: http://codepen.io/Reblutus/pen/qjacv

Here is the code

<style> header {  background: cyan;} nav {  background: bisque;} .main-a {  background: tomato;} .main-b {  background: lightblue;} footer {  background: lightpink;}  .headerContainer nav {   display: -webkit-box;   display: -moz-box;   display: -ms-flexbox;   display: -webkit-flex;   display: flex;   -webkit-flex-flow: column nowrap;   flex-direction: column; }  .headerContainer nav > a {   padding: 5px 10px;   text-align: center;   background: #fcd113;   border: #6eac2c solid 1px;   border-width: 0 0 1px;   -webkit-box-flex: 1;      -moz-box-flex: 1;   -webkit-flex: 1;       -ms-flex: 1;           flex: 1; } @media all and (min-width: 600px) {   .wrapper {     display: -webkit-box;     display: -moz-box;     display: -ms-flexbox;     display: -webkit-flex;     display: flex;     -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap;     flex-direction: row;   }   .wrapper > .headerContainer {     -webkit-box-flex: 1;        -moz-box-flex: 1;     -webkit-flex: 1;         -ms-flex: 1;             flex: 1;   }   .wrapper > .mainContainer {     -webkit-box-flex: 2;        -moz-box-flex: 2;     -webkit-flex: 2;         -ms-flex: 2;             flex: 2;   }   .mainContainer {     display: -webkit-box;     display: -moz-box;     display: -ms-flexbox;     display: -webkit-flex;     display: flex;     -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap;     flex-direction: row;   }   .mainContainer .main-a {     -webkit-box-flex: 2;        -moz-box-flex: 2;     -webkit-flex: 2;         -ms-flex: 2;             flex: 2;     -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 2;        -moz-box-ordinal-group: 2;     -ms-flex-order: 2;     -webkit-order: 2;             order: 2;   }   .mainContainer .main-b {     -webkit-box-flex: 1;        -moz-box-flex: 1;     -webkit-flex: 1;         -ms-flex: 1;             flex: 1;     -webkit-box-ordinal-group: 1;        -moz-box-ordinal-group: 1;     -ms-flex-order: 1;     -webkit-order: 1;             order: 1;   } }  @media all and (min-width: 800px) {   .wrapper {     display: block;   }   .headerContainer {     display: -webkit-box;     display: -moz-box;     display: -ms-flexbox;     display: -webkit-flex;     display: flex;     -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap;     flex-direction: row;   }   .headerContainer header {     -webkit-box-flex: 1 200px;        -moz-box-flex: 1 200px;     -webkit-flex: 1 200px;         -ms-flex: 1 200px;             flex: 1 200px;   }   .headerContainer nav {     -webkit-box-flex: 1 100%;        -moz-box-flex: 1 100%;     -webkit-flex: 1 100%;         -ms-flex: 1 100%;             flex: 1 100%;     -webkit-flex-flow: row nowrap;     flex-direction: row;   } } </style> <div class="wrapper">     <div class="headerContainer">         <header>Logo <i class="fa fa-camera-retro"></i>          </header>     <nav>             <a href="javascript:;">Home</a>             <a href="javascript:;">About Us</a>             <a href="javascript:;">Our Properties</a>             <a href="javascript:;">Clients & Partners</a>         </nav>     </div>     <div class="mainContainer">   <div class="main main-a">Main content A</div> <div class="main main-b">Main content B</div>   </div> </div> <footer>footer</footer> 
like image 428
Guillaume Bois Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 13:11

Guillaume Bois

People also ask

Does flexbox work in IE?

Internet Explorer doesn't fully support Flexbox due to: Partial support is due to large amount of bugs present (see known issues).

Is flexbox supported in all browsers?

The flexbox properties are supported in all modern browsers.

Does flexbox work in Safari?

Safari versions 9 and up support the current flexbox spec without prefixes. Older Safari versions, however, require -webkit- prefixes. Sometimes min-width and max-width cause alignment problems which can be resolved with flex equivalents.

What is Webkit flex in CSS?

It is used to set the length of flexible items. The flex property is much responsive and mobile-friendly. It is easy to position child elements and the main container. The margin doesn't collapse with the content margins.

1 Answers

I had a very similar issue with IE11.

Apparently the issue is to do with IE's implementation of the flex property.

In IE10 the default value for flex is 0 0 auto rather than 0 1 auto as defined in the latest spec.

Source: http://caniuse.com/#feat=flexbox

Explicitly setting the flex property to 1 0 auto remedied the issue for my case.

So anywhere you have the flex property set, update the values to match this explicit format.

like image 125
nickspiel Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 02:10
