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Flask: Decorator to verify JSON and JSON Schema


I have a flask application with calls expecting JSON payload. Before each call is processed, I have a 2-step error checking process:

  • Assert that the payload is a valid JSON
  • Assert that the JSON payload complies with a specific schema

Which is implemented in the following fashion:

@app.route('/activate', methods=['POST']) def activate():     request_id = request.__hash__()      # Assert that the payload is a valid JSON     try:         input = request.json     except BadRequest, e:         msg = "payload must be a valid json"         return jsonify({"error": msg}), 400      # JSON Schema Validation     try:         validate(request.json, app.config['activate_schema'])     except ValidationError, e:         return jsonify({"error": e.message}), 400 

Since this code is duplicated over many calls, I wonder If I can elegantly move it to a decorator, something in the formof:

@validate_json @validate_schema(schema=app.config['activate_schema']) @app.route('/activate', methods=['POST']) def activate():     .... 

The problem is that the request argument is implicit: I can refer to it within the function, but it is not a parameter to it. Therefore, I am not sure how to use it within the decorator.

How can I implement the validation checks using Python decorators?

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Adam Matan Avatar asked Jun 16 '14 07:06

Adam Matan

People also ask

How do I check if a JSON Schema is valid?

The simplest way to check if JSON is valid is to load the JSON into a JObject or JArray and then use the IsValid(JToken, JsonSchema) method with the JSON Schema. To get validation error messages, use the IsValid(JToken, JsonSchema, IList<String> ) or Validate(JToken, JsonSchema, ValidationEventHandler) overloads.

What does JSON Schema validator do?

JSON Schema validation asserts constraints on the structure of instance data. An instance location that satisfies all asserted constraints is then annotated with any keywords that contain non-assertion information, such as descriptive metadata and usage hints.

2 Answers

Just use the request context global in your decorator. It is available during any request.

from functools import wraps from flask import (     current_app,     jsonify,     request, )   def validate_json(f):     @wraps(f)     def wrapper(*args, **kw):         try:             request.json         except BadRequest, e:             msg = "payload must be a valid json"             return jsonify({"error": msg}), 400         return f(*args, **kw)     return wrapper   def validate_schema(schema_name):     def decorator(f):         @wraps(f)         def wrapper(*args, **kw):             try:                 validate(request.json, current_app.config[schema_name])             except ValidationError, e:                 return jsonify({"error": e.message}), 400             return f(*args, **kw)         return wrapper     return decorator 

Apply these decorators before applying the @route decorator; you want to register the wrapped function, not the original function for the route:

@app.route('/activate', methods=['POST']) @validate_json @validate_schema('activate_schema') def activate():     input = request.json 
like image 199
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 16:09

Martijn Pieters

now you can use @expect_json directly

For Example

from flask import Flask, jsonify, g, url_for from flask_expects_json import expects_json # example imports from models import User from orm import NotUniqueError  app = Flask(__name__)  schema = {     'type': 'object',     'properties': {         'name': {'type': 'string'},         'email': {'type': 'string'},         'password': {'type': 'string'}     },     'required': ['email', 'password'] }   @app.route('/register', methods=['POST']) @expects_json(schema) def register():     # if payload is invalid, request will be aborted with error code 400     # if payload is valid it is stored in g.data      # do something with your data     user = User().from_dict(g.data)     try:         user.save()     except NotUniqueError as e:         # exception path: duplicate database entry         return jsonify(dict(message=e.message)), 409      # happy path: json response     resp = jsonify(dict(auth_token=user.encode_auth_token(), user=user.to_dict()})     resp.headers['Location'] = url_for('users.get_user', user_id=user.id)     return resp, 201 


from flask import Flask from flask_expects_json import expects_json   app = Flask(__name__)   schema = {     'type': 'object',     'properties': {         'name': {'type': 'string',  "minLength": 4, "maxLength": 15},         'mobile': {'type': 'string', "pattern": "^[1-9]{1}[0-9]{9}$"},         'email': {'type': 'string', "pattern": "[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]"},         'password': {'type': 'string', "pattern": "^.*(?=.{8,})(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[!@#$%^&+=]).*$"}     },     'required': ['name', 'mobile', 'email', 'password'] }   @app.route('/', methods=['POST']) @expects_json(schema) def index():     values = request.get_json()     print(values)     return values 

get more from here

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Janardhan Singh Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Janardhan Singh