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Flash shared object (i.e. flash cookie) is not shared with Chrome

I wrote a simple swf to set and get shared objects. When I set data to it through FF and try to get the same object through IE it works fine. But, when I'm trying to get it through Chrome, it doesn't work - like Chrome has it's own place for the local storage.

I used the below url to see if the shared object is saved: http://www.macromedia.com/support/documentation/en/flashplayer/help/settings_manager07.html

I don't work at oovoo, but I see that they have the same issue :) You can simulate it by browsing to www.oovoo.com in FF and open the below link in IE and Chrome - you will see that oovoo.com shared object only in IE.

Any idea why it happens ?


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Shay Hazan Avatar asked Aug 08 '12 08:08

Shay Hazan

People also ask

How to check Flash cookies?

Firefox: Tools > Options > Privacy. Uncheck “Accept third-party cookies.” Google Chrome: Settings > Advanced Settings > Privacy > Content Settings. Check “Block third-party cookies and site data.”

Do Flash cookies still exist?

Adobe ended its Flash Player product, but you might still find flash cookies out in the wild. Here's how to get rid of them. Flash-based websites will invariably plant flash cookies (also called Locally Shared Objects or LSOs) on your computer.

How do Flash cookies work?

A flash cookie, also known as a local shared object, is a text file that is sent by a web server to a client when the browser requests content supported by Adobe Flash, a popular browser plugin. Flash cookies differ from a regular browser cookie in how much data it can store and how the cookie can be cleared.

2 Answers

The issue is with the flash plugin that chrome uses.

If you type: "about:plugins" in your chrome address bar, you can see the plugins that chrome is currently using. If the current enabled flash player is "pepperflash", your shared objects aren't going to be stored.

What you need to do, is download a new version of flash from Adobe's site.


After you have a new version of flash, go back into your Chrome plugins, disable the "pepperflash" version of flash, and enable the other one.

After doing this, I've been able to use shared objects just fine with Chrome.

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CheezMonger Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 10:09


I recently ran into this issue as well. It seems Chrome is not using the Shared Objects you would expect it to (%APPDATA%\Macromedia\Flash Player\#SharedObjects\). Chrome seems to be keeping its own in: %APPDATA%\..\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Pepper Data\Shockwave Flash\WritableRoot\#SharedObjects\

I don't know if this is a bug or intentional, but it certainly is annoying.

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Scott Lee Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 10:09

Scott Lee