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How to embed a custom SWF based audio player into facebook wall posts?

We have an SWF based audio player. We want to be able to embed this player into Facebook wall posts in the same way that Youtube videos or BandPage songs are embedded into Facebook feed walls. Right now clicking on the image that we provide redirects to the player instead of loading the player inline.

UPDATE: We want to embed our SWF player like BandPage does it. We want to have the little play button on top of our image. We also want to have the small symbol left to the date.

alt text

Clicking on the image or play button then loads the SWF inline.

alt text

How can I achieve this with the Facebook JavaScript API? Is it really just a matter of being white listed? Or do I have to provide more parameters?

This is what I have right now:

function fb_post()
    var message = 'Look at my fantastic SWF!';
    var picture = 'A LINK TO A 100X100 IMAGE';
    var link = 'A LINK TO OUR SWF';
    var source = 'A LINK TO OUR SWF';
    var name = 'Blah blah';
    var caption = 'Yada yada yada';
    var description = 'Facebook programming';
    var type = 'swf';

    FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: message, picture: picture, link: link, name: name, type: type }, function(response) {
     if (!response || response.error) {
         alert('Error occured: ' + response.error.message);
        } else {
         alert('Post ID: ' + response);

UPDATE: It's working now! We've got the play button on our image and the SWF is loaded and displayed in the Facebook wall :) We haven't got it working with FB.api though. We are using FB.ui.

Use this form for the Video Embed Whitelist Request. We had to wait less than a week to get our URLs whitelisted.

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Jan Deinhard Avatar asked Oct 22 '10 14:10

Jan Deinhard

People also ask

Can you embed an audio player in Facebook?

Facebook lets you embed players from several video-sharing services, including YouTube and Vimeo, or you can use their built-in player by uploading video directly to Facebook. But the platform doesn't allow audio uploads or provide an audio player.

1 Answers

You need your domain being white listed. Here is the form: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=video_embed_whitelist

Update: Have you looked into this? This seems to cover your needs (man, you gotta hate FB for putting up all of these API's and the half-arsed documentation)

This might be interesting:

<meta property="og:video" content="http://www.example.com/player.swf?video_id=123456789"/> 
<meta name="video_height" content="200" /> 
<meta name="video_width" content="300" />
<meta name="video_type" content="application/x-shockwave-flash" />

It's the example for a video-player, but it should work for an audio-player as well.

Also read the OpenGraph documentation - there is a lot of information on how to make your site Facebook-friendly.

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saibotd Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 03:09
