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Flash notice with redirect_to is broken in rails

I updated to Rails 2.3.10, Rack 1.2.1 and now none of my flash messages are showing up. I found that during a redirect the notice is passed in like this

redirect_to(@user, :notice => "Sorry there was an error")

And in my view the flash hash is empty

<%= debug flash %>  
!map:ActionController::Flash::FlashHash {} 

But you can see the message in the controller. What gives?

        <%= debug controller.session %>
        session{:home_zip=>"94108", :session_id=>"xxx", :flash=>{:notice=>"Sorry there was an error"}, :user_credentials=>"1baf9c9c0423ce0151ec32e24cc422f07309e4ba503eb4830635ecc115da217809997324374bb273b3fb792895c9741a8b8c9ea4267771a1bd149de5b9179ea0", :user_credentials_id=>22, :home_market_id=>11}
        Edit Profile    
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jspooner Avatar asked Oct 26 '10 01:10


3 Answers

Did you check the rails bug tracker? I still use the old fashioned setter flash[:notice] = message and it works fine, so it seems to be a redirect_to method problem.


Did you try redirect_to url, :flash => { :notice => "notice" }, as a work around?

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Max Schulze Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 23:10

Max Schulze

The code below should work:

redirect_to(@user, {:notice => "Sorry there was an error"})

I'm guessing this is due to changes in Ruby and not in Rails, because it looks like a token parsing priority change in the compiler.

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barbolo Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10


We just ran into this too. All our flash messages disappear with redirect, but not when set in the controller explicitly.

Does not work:

  def create
    if @obj.save
      flash[:notice] = "The #{cname.humanize.downcase} has been created."
      redirect_back_or_default redirect_url
      render :action => 'new'

This does work:

 def show
    @user = current_user
    flash[:notice] = "Hello -- this will show up fine"
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Charles Forcey Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 00:10

Charles Forcey