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Flash - Add frame to timeline, at start of timeline

There must be an easier way to add frames at the start of a flash timeline?

I want to insert a few frames before frame one, but I can not find a simple way to do so in Flash CS5.

  • I have tried to use insert, it will place them to the right (frame 2..).
  • I have tried to drag all the frames of the movie over to the right, but it creates strange problems with the tweens (some even go away).

The only way I have found to do it, is create a new movie, insert frames, and then copy/paste the entire movie from the original flash in to this flash, is there a better way?

like image 281
nycynik Avatar asked Aug 22 '11 14:08


1 Answers

You can select multiple frames using shift and then drag them across. Empty frames will be inserted to fill the previously used up space.

See below:

  1. enter image description here
  2. enter image description here
  3. enter image description here
  4. enter image description here

As for losing your tweens using this approach (if this is what you were doing) - just be sure that you've selected all of the frames in your timeline before doing this.

like image 54
Marty Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 10:10
