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FK to the Same Table Code First Entity Framework

I am new to Code-First approach in Entity Framework. And I am a bit confused on how to do this:

I need a FK relationship to the same table, so I can have a Parent --> Child relationship between the elements.

This is the Model of the Table:

public class BucketGroup
   public int Id {get;set;} // This is the PK in the Table

   public string Name {get;set;}

   // Now this the FK, to this Same Table:
  public int? BucketGroupId {get;set;}


So I have made this item Nullable, if BucketGroupId is NULL then I know it is a parent Item.

I created a test project and worked with Database First, and the Model is something like this:

public partial class Testing
    public Testing()
        this.Testing1 = new HashSet<Testing>();

    public int Id { get; set; }
    public Nullable<int> ParentId { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Testing> Testing1 { get; set; }
    public virtual Testing Testing2 { get; set; }

So If I add a similar Property to my Model will that make it an FK to the PK Id?

public class BucketGroup
  public int Id {get;set;} // This is the PK in the Table

  public string Name {get;set;}

  // Now this the FK, to this Same Table:
  public int? BucketGroupId {get;set;}

  public virtual ICollection<BucketGroup> BucketGroup1 { get; set; }


Is this correct?

like image 568
Dawood Awan Avatar asked Apr 08 '15 13:04

Dawood Awan

1 Answers

You have two options to do that:

  • Using Data Annotations:

    public class BucketGroup
      public int Id {get;set;} 
      public string Name {get;set;}
      public int? ParentBucketGroupId {get;set;}
      public virtual BucketGroup ParentBucketGroup {get;set;}
      public virtual ICollection<BucketGroup> Children { get; set; }

    Or, using Fluent Api:

    public class BucketGroup
      public int Id {get;set;} 
      public string Name {get;set;}
      public int? ParentBucketGroupId {get;set;}
      public virtual BucketGroup ParentBucketGroup {get;set;}
      public virtual ICollection<BucketGroup> Children { get; set; }

    And, to configure the relationship, you could override the OnModelCreating method on your context:

    modelbuilder.Entity<BucketGroup>().HasOptional(b=>b.ParentBucketGroup )
                                      .WithMany(b=>b.Children )


If you want, you can work with an one-directional (also called unidirectional) relationship, but you need to keep one of them.

If you remove the Children nav property, then, you configuration would be like this:


Or, if you remove the ParentBuketGroup nav. property, then you need to do this:

like image 68
octavioccl Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 08:11
