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Fixed width number formatting python 3


How do I get an integer to fill 0's to a fixed width in python 3.2 using the format attribute? Example:

a = 1 print('{0:3}'.format(a)) 

gives ' 1' instead of '001' I want. In python 2.x, I know that this can be done using

print "%03d" % number.  

I checked the python 3 string documentation but wasn't able to get this.



like image 501
pogo Avatar asked Jul 29 '11 07:07


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2 Answers

Prefix the width with a 0:

>>> '{0:03}'.format(1) '001' 

Also, you don't need the place-marker in recent versions of Python (not sure which, but at least 2.7 and 3.1):

>>> '{:03}'.format(1) '001' 
like image 128
Marcelo Cantos Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09

Marcelo Cantos


number=12 print(f'number is equal to {number:03d}') 
like image 42
Mendi Barel Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09

Mendi Barel