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Remove route mappings in NodeJS Express


I have a route mapped as:

app.get('/health/*', function(req, res){

How can I remove / remap this route to an empty handler at runtime?

like image 624
lostinplace Avatar asked Apr 30 '12 04:04


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2 Answers

This removes app.use middlewares and/or app.VERB (get/post) routes. Tested on [email protected]

var routes = app._router.stack;
function removeMiddlewares(route, i, routes) {
    switch (route.handle.name) {
        case 'yourMiddlewareFunctionName':
        case 'yourRouteFunctionName':
            routes.splice(i, 1);
    if (route.route)

Note that it requires that the middleware/route functions have names:

app.use(function yourMiddlewareFunctionName(req, res, next) {
    ...          ^ named function

It won't work if the function is anonymous:

app.get('/path', function(req, res, next) {
    ...          ^ anonymous function, won't work                    
like image 161
laggingreflex Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09


Express (at least as of 3.0.5) keeps all of its routes in app.routes. From the documentation:

The app.routes object houses all of the routes defined mapped by the associated HTTP verb. This object may be used for introspection capabilities, for example Express uses this internally not only for routing but to provide default OPTIONS behaviour unless app.options() is used. Your application or framework may also remove routes by simply by removing them from this object.

Your app.routes should look similar to this:

{ get: 
   [ { path: '/health/*',
       method: 'get',
       callbacks: [Object],
       keys: []}]

So, you should be able to loop through app.routes.get until you find what you are looking for, and then delete it.

like image 34
Brad Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09
