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Fixed Table Cell Width

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How do you fix a cell width in a table?

Using width attribute: The <td> tag has width attribute to control the width of a particular column. By assigning a numeric value to this attribute between 0 to 100 in terms of percentage(or you can use pixel format). We can restrict the column width up to that much percentage of the table's total width.

What is fixed column width?

Fixed Column Width doesn't mean that the column widths can't be changed. Rather, it means that Word won't automatically change the column widths when the table is moved or otherwise altered, but you can still change them. The command is on or off for an entire table, so selecting columns isn't necessary.

How do you create cell width in a table?

This can be done by setting table-cell style to width: auto , and content empty. The columns are now equal-wide, but holding no content.

You could try using the <col> tag manage table styling for all rows but you will need to set the table-layout:fixed style on the <table> or the tables css class and set the overflow style for the cells


<table class="fixed">
    <col width="20px" />
    <col width="30px" />
    <col width="40px" />

and this be your CSS

table.fixed { table-layout:fixed; }
table.fixed td { overflow: hidden; }

Now in HTML5/CSS3 we have better solution for the problem. In my opinion this purely CSS solution is recommended:

table.fixed {table-layout:fixed; width:90px;}/*Setting the table width is important!*/
table.fixed td {overflow:hidden;}/*Hide text outside the cell.*/
table.fixed td:nth-of-type(1) {width:20px;}/*Setting the width of column 1.*/
table.fixed td:nth-of-type(2) {width:30px;}/*Setting the width of column 2.*/
table.fixed td:nth-of-type(3) {width:40px;}/*Setting the width of column 3.*/
<table class="fixed">
        <td>We should use spaces tooooooooooooo</td>

You need to set the table's width even in haunter's solution. Otherwise it doesn't work.
Also a new CSS3 feature that vsync suggested is: word-break:break-all;. This will break the words without spaces in them to multiple lines too. Just modify the code like this:

table.fixed { table-layout:fixed; width:90px; word-break:break-all;}

Final result

Rendered table

table td 

I had one long table td cell, this forced the table to the edges of the browser and looked ugly. I just wanted that column to be fixed size only and break the words when it reaches the specified width. So this worked well for me:

<td><div style='width: 150px;'>Text to break here</div></td>

You don't need to specify any kind of style to table, tr elements. You may also use overflow:hidden; as suggested by other answers but it causes for the excess text to disappear.

table { 
    table-layout:fixed; width:200px;
table tr {
    height: 20px;


for FULLSCREEN width table:

  • table width MUST be 100%

  • if need N colunms, then THs MUST be N+1

example for 3 columns:

table.fixed {
      table-layout: fixed;
      width: 100%;
table.fixed td {
      overflow: hidden;
  <table class="fixed">
      <col width=20 />
      <col width=20 />
      <col width=20 />