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Fixed point type not multiplying correctly

I'm new to Ada, and have been trying out the fixed-point "delta" types. Specifically, I've created a 32-bit delta type range 0.0 .. 1.0. However, when I try to square certain values, I get a CONSTRAINT_ERROR. As far as I know, that should't happen with my specified range. The threshold for this error appears to be sqrt(1/2). I'm using GNAT from MinGW-w64 version 4.8.0.

Test code (all of it compiles in the form of gnatmake <file> with no warnings/errors):


pragma Ada_2012;

with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Text_IO;

package Types is
    type Fixed_Type is delta 1.0 / 2**32 range 0.0 .. 1.0
        with Size => 32;
    type Modular_Type is mod 2**32
        with Size => 32;
    function Fixed_To_Mod is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(Fixed_Type, Modular_Type);
    package MIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Modular_IO(Modular_Type);
    package FIO is new Ada.Text_IO.Fixed_IO(Fixed_Type);
end Types;


pragma Ada_2012;

with Ada.Text_IO;

with Types; use Types;

procedure Specifics is
    package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;

    procedure TestValue(val: in Fixed_Type) is
        square : Fixed_Type;
        square := val * val;
        TIO.Put_Line("Value " & Fixed_Type'Image(val) & " squares properly.");
        TIO.Put_Line("Square: " & Fixed_Type'Image(square));
        when Constraint_Error =>
            TIO.Put_Line("Value " & Fixed_Type'Image(val) & " does not square properly.");
            TIO.Put_Line("Square: " & Fixed_Type'Image(val * val));
            TIO.Put_Line("Not sure how that worked.");
    end TestValue;

    function ParseFixed(s: in String; last: in Natural; val: out Fixed_Type) return Boolean is
        l : Natural;
        FIO.Get(s(s'First..last), val, l);
        return TRUE;
        when others =>
            TIO.Put_Line("Parsing failed.");
            return FALSE;
    end ParseFixed;

    buffer : String(1..20);
    last : Natural;
    f : Fixed_Type;
        TIO.Put(">>> ");
        TIO.Get_Line(buffer, last);
        exit when buffer(1..last) = "quit";
        if ParseFixed(buffer, last, f) then
        end if;
    end loop;
end Specifics;

Output of specifics.adb:

>>> 0.1
Value  0.1000000001 squares properly.
Square:  0.0100000000

>>> 0.2
Value  0.2000000000 squares properly.
Square:  0.0399999998

>>> 0.4
Value  0.3999999999 squares properly.
Square:  0.1599999999

>>> 0.6
Value  0.6000000001 squares properly.
Square:  0.3600000001

>>> 0.7
Value  0.7000000000 squares properly.
Square:  0.4899999998

>>> 0.75
Value  0.7500000000 does not square properly.
Square: -0.4375000000
Not sure how that worked.

>>> quit

Somehow, multiplying val by itself yielded a negative number, which explains the CONSTRAINT_ERROR... but never mind that, why am I getting a negative number in the first place?

I then decided to test for the point at which squaring the numbers started failing, so I wrote the following snippet:


pragma Ada_2012;

with Ada.Text_IO;

with Types; use Types;

procedure FixedPointTest is
    package TIO renames Ada.Text_IO;

    test, square : Fixed_Type := 0.0;
    while test /= Fixed_Type'Last loop
        square := test * test;
        test := test + Fixed_Type'Delta;
    end loop;
    when Constraint_Error =>
        TIO.Put_Line("Last valid value: " & Fixed_Type'Image(test-Fixed_Type'Delta));
        TIO.Put("Hex value: ");
        MIO.Put(Item => Fixed_To_Mod(test-Fixed_Type'Delta), Base => 16);
        TIO.Put("Binary value: ");
        MIO.Put(Item => Fixed_To_Mod(test-Fixed_Type'Delta), Base => 2);
        TIO.Put_Line("First invalid value: " & Fixed_Type'Image(test));
        TIO.Put("Hex value: ");
        MIO.Put(Item => Fixed_To_Mod(test), Base => 16);
        TIO.Put("Binary value: ");
        MIO.Put(Item => Fixed_To_Mod(test), Base => 2);
end FixedPointTest;

and got the following output:

Last valid value:  0.7071067810
Hex value: 16#B504F333#
Binary value: 2#10110101000001001111001100110011#

First invalid value:  0.7071067812
Hex value: 16#B504F334#
Binary value: 2#10110101000001001111001100110100#

So, sqrt(1/2), we meet again. Could someone please explain to me why my code is doing this? Is there a way to make it multiply properly?

like image 213
ericmaht Avatar asked Jun 02 '13 20:06


People also ask

How do you multiply a fixed-point number?

To perform fixed-point multiplication, we can first ignore the binary point of the multiplier and multiplicand, perform the multiplication treating the operands as two's complement numbers, and, then, determine the position of the binary point for the result.

Is fixed point arithmetic faster?

In other words, 10 out of the 16 bits are used to represent the fractional part and 6 bits for the integer part. Fixed-point arithmetic is widely used in FPGA-based algorithms because it usually runs faster and uses fewer resources when compared to floating-point arithmetic.

What is a fixed-point data type?

A fixed-point data type is characterized by the word length in bits, the position of the binary point, and whether it is signed or unsigned. The position of the binary point is the means by which fixed-point values are scaled and interpreted.

Is fixed-point faster than floating-point?

Fixed-point computations can be faster and/or use less hardware than floating-point ones. If the range of the values to be represented is known in advance and is sufficiently limited, fixed point can make better use of the available bits.

1 Answers

I think you are asking for 1 more bit of precision than is actually available "under the hood".

Your declaration

   type Fixed_Type is delta 1.0 / 2**32 range 0.0 .. 1.0
       with Size => 32;

is only accepted because GNAT has used a biased representation; there's no room for a sign bit. You can see this because 0.7071067810 is represented as 16#B504F333#, with the most significant bit set. So, when you multiply 0.71 by 0.71, the result has the most significant bit set; and the low-level code thinks that this must be the sign bit, so we have an overflow.

If you declare Fixed_Type as

   type Fixed_Type is delta 1.0 / 2**31 range 0.0 .. 1.0
       with Size => 32;

all should be well.

A further point: in your report of the behaviour of specifics with an input of 0.75, you quote the result

>>> 0.75
Value  0.7500000000 does not square properly.
Square: -0.4375000000
Not sure how that worked.

I rebuilt with gnatmake specifics.adb -g -gnato -bargs -E, and the result is now

>>> 0.75
Value  0.7500000000 does not square properly.

Execution terminated by unhandled exception
Exception name: CONSTRAINT_ERROR
Message: 64-bit arithmetic overflow
Call stack traceback locations:
0x100020b79 0x10000ea80 0x100003520 0x100003912 0x10000143e

and the traceback decodes as

system__arith_64__raise_error (in specifics) (s-arit64.adb:364)
__gnat_mulv64 (in specifics) (s-arit64.adb:318)
specifics__testvalue.2581 (in specifics) (specifics.adb:20)        <<<<<<<<<<
_ada_specifics (in specifics) (specifics.adb:45)
main (in specifics) (b~specifics.adb:246)

and specifics.adb:20 is

     TIO.Put_Line("Square: " & Fixed_Type'Image(val * val));

in the exception handler, which involves the problematic square again (not a good thing to do in an exception handler). You can see that the value 0.75 was printed without any problem in the line above: and in fixedpointtest.adb there was no problem in the additions leading to the last valid value 0.7071067810.

I was rather surprised to find that -gnato detects this error, since I'd thought it only applied to integer arithmetic; but in fact there's a discussion in the GNAT User Guide which states that it applies to fixed-point arithmetic too. It turns out that you can avoid the constraint error and get the correct arithmetic result by using -gnato3:

>>> 0.75
Value  0.7500000000 squares properly.
Square:  0.5625000000

but only at the cost of using arbitrary multiple-precision arithmetic - not a good idea for a time-constrained system!

like image 54
Simon Wright Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09

Simon Wright