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Fit a curve for data made up of two distinct regimes

I'm looking for a way to plot a curve through some experimental data. The data shows a small linear regime with a shallow gradient, followed by a steep linear regime after a threshold value.

My data is here: http://pastebin.com/H4NSbxqr
and is plotted here

I could fit the data with two lines relatively easily, but I'd like to fit with a continuous line ideally - which should look like two lines with a smooth curve joining them around the threshold (~5000 in the data, shown above).

I attempted this using scipy.optimize curve_fit and trying a function which included the sum of a straight line and an exponential:

y = a*x + b + c*np.exp((x-d)/e)

although despite numerous attempts, it didn't find a solution.

If anyone has any suggestions please, either on the choice of fitting distribution / method or the curve_fit implementation, they would be greatly appreciated.

like image 571
IanRoberts Avatar asked Nov 13 '13 13:11


People also ask

How do you fit a curve to data?

The most common way to fit curves to the data using linear regression is to include polynomial terms, such as squared or cubed predictors. Typically, you choose the model order by the number of bends you need in your line. Each increase in the exponent produces one more bend in the curved fitted line.

What are the curve fitting techniques explain?

Curve fitting is the process of constructing a curve, or mathematical functions, which possess the closest proximity to the real series of data. By curve fitting, we can mathematically construct the functional relationship between the observed dataset and parameter values etc.

What is curve of best fit?

With quadratic and cubic data, we draw a curve of best fit. Curve of Best Fit: a curve the best approximates the trend on a scatter plot. If the data appears to be quadratic, we perform a quadratic regression to get the equation for the curve of best fit. If it appears to be cubic, then we perform a cubic regression.

What is linear curve fitting?

Linear curve fitting, or linear regression, is when the data is fit to a straight line. Although there might be some curve to your data, a straight line provides a reasonable enough fit to make predictions.

1 Answers

If you don't have a particular reason to believe that linear + exponential is the true underlying cause of your data, then I think a fit to two lines makes the most sense. You can do this by making your fitting function the maximum of two lines, for example:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def two_lines(x, a, b, c, d):
    one = a*x + b
    two = c*x + d
    return np.maximum(one, two)


x, y = np.genfromtxt('tmp.txt', unpack=True, delimiter=',')

pw0 = (.02, 30, .2, -2000) # a guess for slope, intercept, slope, intercept
pw, cov = curve_fit(two_lines, x, y, pw0)
crossover = (pw[3] - pw[1]) / (pw[0] - pw[2])

plt.plot(x, y, 'o', x, two_lines(x, *pw), '-')

If you really want a continuous and differentiable solution, it occurred to me that a hyperbola has a sharp bend to it, but it has to be rotated. It was a bit difficult to implement (maybe there's an easier way), but here's a go:

def hyperbola(x, a, b, c, d, e):
    """ hyperbola(x) with parameters
        a/b = asymptotic slope
         c  = curvature at vertex
         d  = offset to vertex
         e  = vertical offset
    return a*np.sqrt((b*c)**2 + (x-d)**2)/b + e

def rot_hyperbola(x, a, b, c, d, e, th):
    pars = a, b, c, 0, 0 # do the shifting after rotation
    xd = x - d
    hsin = hyperbola(xd, *pars)*np.sin(th)
    xcos = xd*np.cos(th)
    return e + hyperbola(xcos - hsin, *pars)*np.cos(th) + xcos - hsin

Run it as

h0 = 1.1, 1, 0, 5000, 100, .5
h, hcov = curve_fit(rot_hyperbola, x, y, h0)
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', x, two_lines(x, *pw), '-', x, rot_hyperbola(x, *h), '-')
plt.legend(['data', 'piecewise linear', 'rotated hyperbola'], loc='upper left')

bent data fits

I was also able to get the line + exponential to converge, but it looks terrible. This is because it's not a good descriptor of your data, which is linear and an exponential is very far from linear!

def line_exp(x, a, b, c, d, e):
    return a*x + b + c*np.exp((x-d)/e)

e0 = .1, 20., .01, 1000., 2000.
e, ecov = curve_fit(line_exp, x, y, e0)

If you want to keep it simple, there's always a polynomial or spline (piecewise polynomials)

from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
s = UnivariateSpline(x, y, s=x.size)  #larger s-value has fewer "knots"
plt.plot(x, s(x))

with line+exp and polynomial

like image 135
askewchan Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09
