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Firefox 3 adds spacing to spans with display:inline-block


People also ask

Why does inline block add space?

That solution, however, ignores why that space is being added. The inline-block display property treats block level elements (e.g. <div> ) as an inline element (e.g. <span> ), and, just like if you had a line break between two <span> elements, the line-break between the <div> s is creating a space between the <div> s.

How do you add span spaces?

We can use the padding-left property in a <span> element to add spaces. For example, inside the HTML body, type the text of your desire. Where you want to add the blank space, create a <span> element and apply the style in it. Set the padding-left property to 30px .

In my test, I have 2 spans both set to display:inline-block with a border for visibility. Firefox renders space between each span. Even setting margin:0;padding:0; doesn't do anything to fix this. My expectation when setting the inline span element to display:inline-block is that the 2 spans render flush against each other, as if you floated 2 divs left or right. The only "fix" I have found is to add float:left or right to the spans, but that defeats my original purpose of trying not to use floats at all. Any ideas?

<style> span{     border:2px solid #000;     display:inline-block;     padding:0;     margin:0; } </style> <span>Test</span> <span>Test2</span>